35 - a moon

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EZRA stopped Adrien, glass in hand. 

     "She found out, didn't she?"

     "We were just talking to Grey―he knew somehow―" Breathless, Adrien rolled up her sleeves. Preparing to follow after Muse, who'd disappeared beyond the flaps of the tent. She couldn't be far. 

     Ezra set down his glass on a nearby table. The pink drink sloshed out, staining the white cloth a rosy colour. "Adrien."

     "I have to go."

     "Adrien." Ezra grabbed her shoulder, mid-turn, and swiveled her around.

     "Where's the lovely bride?" John Pescuzzi interrupted. One of her father's business associates. "We wanted to wish our congratulations."

     Him and his wife stared at Adrien, pinning her to the spot. She couldn't think. She was on the verge of losing Muse forever, if she hadn't already. None of her defense mechanisms were snapping into place. She just needed to go after Muse, now. 

    "She's getting some fresh air," Ezra cut in, his hand still digging into Adrien's shoulder. "The airplane sickness is getting to her."

    "Poor dear," said Mrs. Pescuzzi. She was a sixty-something woman with dyed blonde hair, the silver roots growing in. "I have some headache medication for her if need be. That happens to me all the time. Airplanes frighten me. Some women are just sensitive like that, you know." She nudged John and winked at Adrien. "He knows."

     "Well, dear," he said, "we've been married for forty years. I can't imagine what kind of husband I'd be if I didn't know how sensitive you are."

    Adrien would have found the exchange worth smiling at, if she didn't know John had been cheating on his wife for the past twenty years, with blonde women a third of her age. Mrs. Pescuzzi knew, too. Most of the wives in the company did. They stayed anyway.

    So much of this life was about appearances. Putting on a show. Before Muse, Adrien hadn't been bothered by it―she knew how to alter her persona, slipping in and out of masks like shuffling the cards of a deck. She knew when to be more ruthless, more impassive, more cutthroat. She'd learned from her father. To become the CEO of her own company, like he had, she hadn't just climbed her way to the top. She'd burned the entire fucking staircase behind her. 

     She had been untouchable―until Muse.

    "I really should go find my wife," Adrien said. The word wife felt strange in her mouth. "Thank you for the offer, Dina. I hope you and your husband enjoy the party. Thank you for coming on such last-minute notice."

     "Oh, no worries," said Mrs. Pescuzzi. "I know how it is, lovebirds. You just get swept off your feet. It was a beautiful wedding, dear."

     She tugged her husband back into the crowd. A new song was playing, something merrier. Couples swung their partners on the dance floor. The chandeliers glittered above them, casting the room in warm twinkling light. Next to Adrien and Ezra, the staff cleaned the cutlery off the table. 

    In the corner of her eye, she saw Luca―the resort manager―commanding orders to the waiters. She thought of their exchange, not ten minutes ago.

    "Take one look at her later, Luca, and tell me how anyone wouldn't fall in love with her," she'd said.

    He had told her she was right.

    Ezra tightened his hand on Adrien's shoulder, and leaned in to speak above the music and the clatter of plates. "Adrien, I told you this would happen sooner or later."

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