49 - a friendship

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ONCE she had towelled herself off, Adrien flung open the glass doors to their closet. It was an entire room in itself, its entrance facing the bathroom.

     Muse, half-visible in the doorway, had been blow-drying her hair and threatening Adrien with revenge for the last twenty minutes. 

     "It'll come when you least expect it," she said over the sound of the blow-dryer. 

     "You sound like a fortune cookie," Adrien replied, rifling through the clothes that had already been precisely pressed and hung up by the resort staff.

     The loud hum of the blow-dryer vanished into silence as Muse unplugged it. "A fortune cookie?" 

     Adrien turned around. Muse stood in the bathroom doorway, one hand on her hip. Her golden-brown curls floated around her head, wild and messy. It looked frustratingly good. Even though her hair hadn't gotten wet, she had insisted she needed to restyle it.

    "Yes, darling. It's been all 'Your days are numbered' and 'I'm going to kill you in your sleep' since we got back from the beach."

     "What kind of fortune cookie says 'I'm going to kill you in your sleep'?"

     Adrien shrugged and pulled a white tank top off a hanger. "Special ones."

     Muse let out a sound of frustration and disappeared from the doorway. Through the mirror, Adrien caught a glimpse of her opening and closing different pink containers with cursive script. 

     "How many hair products―?"

     "Curly hair needs a routine," Muse said with an indignant sniff. 

     Is that why it always looks so fucking good? Adrien thought. She slipped on the tank top, and briefly caught Muse's eyes on her through the mirror. An identical look in her eyes to when Adrien had fucked her on the beach: wide and dark and full of need. Their stares locked. Adrien's heart raced in her chest. She wondered if Muse would take back the just friends part of the contract. She felt her blood go warm. 

     Muse's cheeks flushed a faint shade of pink. But she only said, "Put on some pants."

     Adrien looked down. She wore only boxers. "Sorry."

     "You don't sound that sorry."

     "Should I get down on my knees and beg for your forgiveness?"

     Muse turned a brighter shade of pink, as if she were imagining Adrien on her knees. She continued scrunching creamy gold product into her hair, more aggressively now. "I think you'd have to go lower than that. Six feet under, perhaps," she said sweetly. 

     Adrien stifled a laugh. She pulled on a pair of jeans and slid a thick black belt through the hoops. "I'm sorry I threw you in the ocean, alright? Please stop daydreaming about my death."

    "You don't sound sorry about that either, Adrien!"

    "Okay, okay." She coughed a little, until no trace remained of a laugh. "I'm truly very sorry about throwing you in the ocean."

    "I don't forgive you."

    "I won't do it again."

    "Pinkie promise?"

     The idea of a pinkie promise startled a laugh out of her. "Pinkie promise?"

     "A pinkie promise is a sacred vow. You can't lie on a pinkie promise. Everybody knows that. Everybody." 

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