Chapter 57 - The Worse Isn't Over

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I was so sick and tired of Troy's threats and controlling behavior. It was time for him to realize I wasn't going to put up with it anymore.

"So, go ahead, babe. Do it. I don't care. I just hope you don't care about your social status and scholarship, too."

I said this in a clear, determined voice. If he wanted to behave like this, I had no choice but to give it to him. He was being a jerk, so being a bitch would be the only way to deal with him.

He took dangerous steps, trapping me. I let him, well not because I was scared. No, because this was his way of trying to assert control and power over me. He was being defensive.

Now he'll try to threaten me and use everything he's got to make me submit.

Too bad for him. I'm a master of the art of intimidating people.

Did he forget it was my classic move?

"How about you, huh? Are you not afraid I'll accidentally spill your secrets? Now that prom is coming, this will affect your prom queen title." He grinned at me menacingly, as if this piece of crap would make me cower in fear and follow along. Did he honestly think this would be enough to make me budge?

Classic Troy.

He really thought of me as a shallow, conceited person who only cared about popularity and social status--like him. If he had told me about not graduating, I would have caved a bit. But no. Instead, he compared me to him. Only want the title of prom queen in high school. Nothing of my own achievement that doesn't involve social status, beauty, or what not.

As if I could put Prom Queen as my qualities in college application.

I laughed at his poor attempt to threaten me, making him feel embarrassed and small. "Have you forgotten something?" I raised my eyebrows. I didn't wait for his response. I tilted my head and said, "I'm Courtney Collins. I'm already the queen." With that I walked away, leaving him standing there, speechless.

I gave myself a pat on the back for a job well done!

For the first time in the last few days, I finally remembered who I was and what I could do. Terry was right, I was the type who wouldn't let people walk around me or mess with me. It took me a while to realize it. No, I knew that already. It just took me long enough to act on it.

Now that I didn't have anyone to protect, even myself, I could finally do everything. Not a care in the world. I'd been living in fear and worry that I had forgotten who I was and what I was capable of doing.

It's such a shame I only realized this now. If only I had acted sooner, I should have been happy by now and not wearing these stupid sunglasses.

But what's done is done. And like I said, I don't give a damn anymore.

I just want to graduate and get the hell out of this place.

As I rounded the corner, I bumped into something hard, making my sunglasses fall off my face and onto the ground.


Could this day get any worse?

"Are you okay?"

You have got to be kidding me!

My eyes widened as I heard the voice of the person I crashed into. I felt my heart sink as I realized the situation I was in. I know I said I didn't care so many times today, but this setup made it so hard not to!

Of all the people I could have bumped into, it had to be him.

I hissed a quiet "yes" and stepped away quickly.

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