Chapter 28 - Can't Help Falling In Love

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CHAPTER 28 - Can't Help Falling In Love


Everything about this date was well thought out. From the flowers down to the food he prepared.

It wasn't the typical red roses, not even the clichéd romantic dinner for two. No, gladiolus as a symbol of strength and victory, not love. Lasagna because he remembered it was my favourite.

I know he wasn't going for the romantic side, he wasn't even attempting to flirt. I'd encountered lots of flirts before and I could tell if someone was trying to be a playboy wannabe or make romantic advances.

He's a charmer without even trying to be one.

Everything Chad did scream romantic for me though. I'd been assuming a lot, yes, and I know I shouldn't. And most importantly, I shouldn't give any meaning to this. But I couldn't help it.

"Eat it while it's hot." Chad pulled me out of my train of thoughts and gave me a portion of the lasagna on a plate.

"You really made this?" I asked him as I took my first bite. "Oh my god this is so good!" I told him with full honesty.

A smile danced on his lips. "Thanks, that's kind of you to say." He humbly responded and started eating too. "I just followed my mom's recipe. Hers is way better than this." He proudly added.

"Well, I can't say that because I haven't got the chance to try it." I replied as I ravished this delicious dish. I'd eaten almost half of it in a short time. "This is really good!" When I looked up, I saw Chad looking at me—beaming.

His eyes locked to mine, and at that moment, I wanted everything around us to stop and just stare at each others eyes.

"I'm really glad you liked it." He confessed with a grin. "Maybe next time, I'll ask my mom to cook one for your next visit." He tore his gaze to mine as he returned back to eating.

The idea of me coming over and his mom cooking my favourite dish gave me that warm feeling inside. Something that I didn't realise I wanted—no, something that I needed. It was so damn hard to shake-off this feeling and not to assume.

Chad treated me as if I was special to him. I felt precious and cared for. He made me feel things I wasn't familiar with, but something I was longing for a long time.

He feels like home.

Next visit.

Warmth filled my heart and happiness flowed through me.

Our conversation continued but diverted. He asked how my day had been and he told me how Cindy insisted on helping with the lasagna, but ended up almost ruining it. We were laughing the whole time as he carried on with the story about his sister while we savor the cheese platter. I noticed how happy he could be every time he talks about his family—his laugh was true and genuine. I'd always been wondering how it feels like ever since I was little because I could barely feel I have one.

There was a brief pause as he filled my cup with grape juice. I found myself staring at him and wanted to make an excuse to capture this moment and wouldn't appear as if I was too eager or even desperate to have a photo with him. But let's face it, this is Chad. He would know.

"I want to do a selfie." I blurted out. "With you." I added, to clarify that I wanted him to be in that photo, too. I'd remember this boldness and die of embarrassment later, but right now I didn't care.

He could think whatever he wanted. The important thing was, I'd been honest.

"Oh sure. Why not." He surprisingly agreed right away. No questions, no retorts. This made me sigh in relief.

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