1.5 - orientation

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summary - new friends!


You stood beside Izuku, staring at the intimidatingly ginormous building that was UA. You got in and you couldn't believe it. Well, you didn't get into the hero course, but that was a given, considering you only got four points at the entrance exam. You were in class 1-C, the general course. You were sad, but you would be given a chance to upgrade during the Sports Festival. You were determined to get into the hero course.

You smoothed out your emerald green skirt and unbuttoned the first button of your dress shirt. You decided not to wear the blazer as it was too uptight for your tastes. Instead, you wore the gray vest over your white dress shirt. You also ditched the tie because you didn't know how to tie it.

One of your hands slipped into your skirt pocket, feeling for a moth shaped block of air. Maybe you'll see him today.

You noticed Izuku's nervously trembling frame, which compelled you to wrap one of your arms around his. Now your arms were interlocked as you walked to your classrooms, which were on the same floor. You, too, were trying to stop yourself from shaking. God, were you excited!

You stood at 1-A's giant door, trying to reassure Izuku. You told him there was more to the test, and he got 60 rescue points. You didn't get any though, but again, you didn't do anything during the exam.

When you entered your class, you decided to sit in the back. You knew your height and wings would probably block some poor soul behind you. The kid beside you eyed your frame before going back to using his phone under his desk. His back was hunched at a concerning curvature.

You were more than likely going to get to know each other, so might as well do it now, right? "Hi!" you chirped. "I'm [last name] [first name]."

He warily side eyed you again before straightening out. "Shinsou Hitoshi," he drawled, running his fingers through his purple hair, which stood on end. He had dark eyebags that told you he didn't get a very good night's sleep last night – or maybe it was genetics?

'Why is she talking to me...?'

Not knowing what else to say, you pulled out your own phone and clicked on Izuku's contact to text him. You hesitated. Should you text him? He's probably making friends right now. You ended up playing crossy road until the teacher arrived, which didn't take very long.

Your homeroom teacher was Ectoplasm. ECTOPLASM. And he was a math teacher? It was actually crazy to see a hero being so normal. He was one of your favorite heroes, simply because of how real he was. And the fact that he had a cool quirk. Like, cloning has to be in the top 20 super powers.

After roll call, you attend an orientation. Ectoplasm led your class to the auditorium where you sat down beside Shinsou. On your other side was a girl with light blonde hair, which was curled at the ends. From her makeup, you could clearly see that she was a gyaru! Oh, you need to become friends with her. "Hi! I'm [last name] [first name]. What's your name?"

"Oh, you're in my class right?" she purred, to which you nodded. "The name's Tsumeko Aina! Wanna be friends?"

You vigorously nodded as a smile grew on your face. "Please! Do you wanna eat lunch together?"

"Of course! Where ya from? I'm from Tottori." Oh, she actually said yes? Man, this is easier than expected. Ignoring the fact that you just canceled plans to eat lunch with Izuku and Shouto, you continued to smile and talk to the girl.

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