1.9 - hawks and miruko are bad influences

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summary - [first name] saves her bird and meets 2 pros

cw - underage drinking


It was 9 AM and you were taking a plane from Shizuoka to Kyushu. The flight was four hours, so you could probably fit in two, maybe even three, movies. You sat down in your seat after putting in your overhead luggage. You were gonna be there for three days, so you didn't have to bring much.

You were grateful that you were out of the house.

Your mom made a lot of money, so she booked first class seats. However, you were separated and you had to sit next to some random person.

"Excuse me," a voice said. You looked up to see a smirking blond guy with a pair of large bright red wings. Oh, he was winged, too! This man had bird wings though.

Your thoughts began to wander. If you had kids, would they have moth wings like you or bird wings like him? Or maybe a mix of the two? That would be pretty weird though. Half-moth, half-bird. He was fine, but you didn't let your attraction show. This must've been the best airport crush you have ever had. He seemed somewhat familiar, but not in a personal way. He held up his carry-on and nodded at the overhead cupboard.

"I can put it in for you," you offered, giving him a small smile. He didn't object so you reached for it with a set of arms and used all four of your arms to stuff it into the storage. You sat back down and slipped on your noise canceling headphones so you could start your movie.

The winged man raised a bushy brow. Did this girl not recognize him? Well, it wouldn't be the first time a chick pretended not to to try and pique his interest... What if she really didn't know who he was? Well, whatever, he shrugged. He glanced towards her screen.

"Is she watching Rio?" he muttered.

"Yup," you said, not moving your eyes from the screen.

His eyes slightly widened. "You can hear me even with your headphones on?"

You turned to him and pointed at your antennae, as if it were obvious. "They can pick up soundwaves and stuff."

"Oh, my feathers can pick up frequencies in the air!" he said, now excited to find someone with a sort of similar quirk as him. He keenly eyed you up and down, mainly trying to assess your wings. "How fast can you fly, kid?"

"Well... I've only flown with my wings twice," you timidly answered. Before he could gasp in shock, you explained that you were a late bloomer. "So I haven't had many opportunities because it's illegal without a license, y'know?"

"Ah, I see," he rubbed his stubbly chin. "It's a pity... with wings that size, you could probably fly around similar speeds to me!"

"And how fast would that be?" an amused smile appeared on your face.

"Hm, 450 kilometers per hour, give or take-" he bragged, messing with his feathery hair.

"Oh wow!" Your jaw dropped. "I don't think I'll ever get that fast, oji-san (ojisan=uncle / typically used for older males you don't know)."

"O- Oji-san!?" He paled, reeling back into his seat. "Hey now, I'm only 20, who are you calling oji-san? I'm not a fan of formalities."

"Only?" you mused. "You've basically got a foot in the grave at that point." You let out a snort. "And if not oji-san, then what do I call you?" Your voice was coy with flirtatious undertones. Haha, you really did change. Past you probably would have thrown up on him out of nervousness or something embarrassing like that.

"Takami Keigo." he introduced himself with a wink. "And you are, cutie?"

Your face heated up at his term of endearment. "[last name] [first name]."

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