Season 1 Premiere:

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Season 1 Premiere: Alex was at a party on a yacht, her brother's yacht. He was recently married, she didn't want to go but, after some persuading from her brother's wife, Alex agreed. There were 40 people on this yacht, Alex knew most people here but, only a few she properly knew. Her brother Devin was the driver of the yacht and his wife Danielle was the organiser. They were very wealthy, not very many people on the yacht had that kind of money. So when people heard the Davis Family were organising a party on their yacht, everyone wanted to come. Alex walked up to her brother who was on break and she said to him "what's up Dev?" Devin responded "Jesus Alex can I not even get a smoke break without you hounding at me?" Alex baffled replied with "who shit in your cereal? I was just seeing how you were" Devin then pulled a cigarette out of his pocket, lit it, and said "I'm absolutely fantastic now cya later" at that instant he walked off. Alex scoffed as he walked away, her and Devin were not close to say the least. It was Danielle who invited Alex. She could tell Devin did not want her here. Alex saw Danielle she came over, Danielle asked "what was all that about?" Alex sarcastically replied "ah nothin he's just on his period" Danielle laughed and said "well I'm glad you're here Alex, I hope that didn't ruin things for you or anything" Alex reassured "what? No of course not, I'm used to it honestly it's fine Dani, it's a great party" Danielle finished saying "yeah thanks, well I'll be going now. Gotta go check on him cya Alex" Alex nodded and Danielle walked off to look for Devin. She noticed Danielle was acting a bit off today. Alex suddenly felt someone tap her on the shoulder, she looked around to her right nobody was there, then looked to her left it was Corey. she then blurted "oh Jesus Corey don't do that man" Corey smirked and replied "couldn't resist sorry, how are you?" Alex sarcastically said "well my loving brother basically told me to fuck off so the usual I'm alright what about you?" Corey responded "I'm good, people keep making moves on Rosie though" Alex asked "who Bill and Lucas and all them?" Corey said "how'd you guess?" Alex added "because they're pigs" Corey replied half-heartedly "some of them are alright" however Alex questioned "yeah well how did your sister respond to it?" Corey shrugged and said "she didn't really care she's probably used to it" Alex said "yeah fair I guess" not really knowing how else to respond to that. Suddenly they heard someone say "what are you two standing there for? You about to kiss or something?" Alex and Corey both looked, it was Zoey. Alex then said while baffled "what?" Zoey walked over and teased "you two look all lovey dovey here in the corner, what are you talking about?" Alex said "nothing why?" Zoey said "mhmm later" and wandered off. Alex whispered in Corey's ear "I hate her" and Corey laughed.

Meanwhile Danielle headed to the bridge room of the yacht to see if Devin was in there. She found him and Anthony Devin's assistant talking. Devin noticed her and said "whatcha need babe?" Danielle said "I saw you and Alex talking earlier" Devin replied "right..and?" Danielle asked with concern "is everything ok?" Devin asked in a serious tone "why wouldn't it be?" suddenly Anthony interjected "give her a break dude, she's only asking if you're alright" frustrated by this Devin explained "oh for fuck sake what me and my sister talk about is neither of your concern, but if you must know she came to say hi while I was on break that's it" Danielle just nodded and softly mumbled "ok" Devin noticed the look in her eyes. He got up and said "Anthony will you be ok here for another little bit? Me and my lovely Dani are just going to have a little talk" Anthony nodded and said "sure" Devin gave him a thumbs up and then said "come on babe" Devin and Danielle walked out together......

Alex and Corey were inside the party room. Corey walked up to the DJ of the party and said "great music tonight Calvin, I'm glad it's not all just tasteless dubstep disco songs ya know?" Calvin while half focused replied "yeah man! Wasn't sure if people would have liked the change or not" however Alex countered "I honestly don't think most of them care as long as they're getting drunk" the 3 of them laughed. Rosie the older sister of Corey walked over to the trio and said "been looking all over for you" while looking right at her brother. Corey asked "what's the problem?" Rosie answered glumly "nothing just have a headache with all the party freaks down there how are you guys anyway?" They all assured they were doing good. Rosie looked at Alex and blurted with somewhat forced glee "oh Alex! By the way tell your brother I'm happy for him and Danielle, sorry I didn't make it to the wedding" Alex responded "it's ok, it was boring anyway" Calvin teased "were you off with your secret boyfriend on the wedding day Rosie?" Rosie sighed and muttered "yeah very funny Calvin.. how long have you been waiting to use that one?" Calvin chuckled but defused "ah you know I'm only joking around Rosie" next Rosie said "how are things with your sister?" changing the subject. Calvin's expression changed and he moaned "ugh an absolute nightmare. She's been torturing our uncle the entire time we've been out here" Corey then questioned "why'd she even bring him? He's a bit old to be here to be honest" Calvin agreed saying "exactly! He didn't even want to come, and what made it worse pedo Ben came with him" although Rosie criticised "oh come on you're being a bit harsh now, why do you call him that?" Calvin doubled down saying "the dude is creepy! I wouldn't be surprised if he hasn't already been hitting on some of the girls here" Rosie countered "that would make him just a weirdo then, nobody is underage here" although Alex corrected Rosie saying "that's still bad and Sydney is" Rosie concerned and confused asked "what? How old is she?" Alex responded "15 I think" Rosie questioned with more concern "why is she on this yacht then???" Calvin reassured saying "her older sister is here with her" Rosie said "oh" still a bit concerned at why a minor is here, but satisfied enough to drop the subject. In spite of that Alex added "her sister is a bitch to her, she probably forced her to come" Rosie sighed and said "well that's lovely isn't it.." suddenly Calvin muttered "oh no.." Alex asked "what?" they all noticed Zoey walking over, she then blurted "Calvy where's David?" Calvin replied "I told you to stop calling me that Zoey" Zoey ignored what he said and persisted "where is he?" Calvin said "I don't know, probably with his friends why?" Zoey insulted "ugh you're useless bye" Zoey walked off, and Calvin flipped her off as she was walking away. Corey a bit stunned after that said "poor David" Alex sarcastically added "have I ever mentioned that I hate her?" Corey laughed and joked "no never" Rosie not feeling well suddenly left with "I'm going to go head outside, my head is killing me..and Calvin you have a lovely sister" Calvin while not looking gave a thumbs up and mumbled "whatever you say Rosie.." Rosie walked off. Corey looked at her and looked back saying "I should probably go with her..just to make sure she's alright, cya guys" both Alex and Calvin said "cya Corey" Corey walked away too. There was a pause then Alex half-heartedly said "I wish my brother would check up on me like Corey with Rosie" Calvin laughed and said "ha! I can relate to that" Alex smirked and teased "didn't know you had a brother" Calvin said "you know what I mean asshole" Alex laughed......

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