Season 1 Episode 4: Scary On The Inside

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Season 1 Episode 4: Devin and his team of Alex,Danielle,Corey, Fredrick and Emma were taking in their surroundings. The inside of the building was very dark, with only a little light coming from the broken windows. Emma was hearing really strange fast whispering and said "guys we should go, I'm sure there is supplies somewhere else..I'm not liking those sounds" Danielle asked "what sounds?" Emma got confused and said "that weird hissing noise..or whispering or something" Corey said "I don't hear anything" Alex tried listening out for it and heard it, Emma was right they weren't alone. Alex said "I hear it too, maybe Emma is right. We should search somewhere else" Devin dismissed "we've gotten this far..we're not backing out now. Emma and...what's your name?" He looked at Fredrick. Fredrick said "Fredrick"  Devin said "right well Freddy, you and Emma you'll be coming with me to search upstairs. While my sister,her friend and my lovely wife Dani, will search down here everyone got that?" Alex sighed and said "sure Dev, even though I don't know why you put yourself in charge" Devin replied "my search team, my rules sis, can we focus on what's important? Finding supplies for 40 people, no time to complain" Alex wanted to say something but held back to not make a scene. Devin picked up on that and lightly shook his head. He then motioned for Emma and Fredrick to follow, the 3 of them headed up the old set of stairs. Corey looked at Alex and said "I really don't like your brother" Alex scoffed, rubbed her forehead and said "I honestly don't blame you.." Danielle was getting uncomfortable about the conversation they were having and changed the subject asking "anyways..shall we look around?" Alex headed towards what seemed to be a small office room the size of a broom closet. It was very claustrophobic in there. She looked on the floor, and bounced back in shock! Corey heard her banging into the wall, he rushed over and asked "woah you ok?? What happened??" Alex didn't say anything, and pointed at the floor. Corey looked down and said "Oh.." there was on old Skeleton, with a uniform that looked more recent than the corpse itself. Corey then noticed a card hanging out of it's pocket. Corey knelt down, and carefully took it out and he read out loud "Drake Markov...Rest In peace buddy" it was a unique looking ID of some kind. Alex questioned "wait Markov? Isn't that what the sign said out front?" Corey responded "must have been the owner, but that body looks too be an office worker" Alex nervously teased "why? How many dead bodies have you seen in your time?" Corey chuckled and said "nah it's just..look at the clothes. Shouldn't they be more faded and discoloured?" Alex replied "I think you're reading too much into it..unless there's some lunatic around, that changes the clothes of dead people" Corey scoffed and said "I wouldn't put it past this place.."

Danielle was searching a different office. It was slightly bigger than the other one, but not by much. It had a broken window, and below that window seemed to be a wooden box. Danielle walked over and opened it cautiously. She was surprised to find a rifle,some cans of beans,and 2 small boxes of ammo. She picked up the rifle, it had a black leather strap. It didn't look that old, considering how old the box looked. She placed the rifle on the desk next to her, and picked up the cans of beans once again. They didn't look that old, and probably still edible. She put the cans in her pockets,picked up the boxes of ammo, and struggled a bit but did the same. She turned back to the rifle, and placed her hands on it. She remembered her childhood, when her Dad used to take her hunting. She couldn't bring herself to shoot a deer, and her Dad got mad at her, took the rifle off of her, and shot it killing the deer instantly. This broke little young Dani's heart. Her Dad just looked disappointed in her, but after selling the deer's corpse to his friend. He took her to a Fast Food restaurant to cheer her up. Danielle never liked always filled her with anxiety being around them, but right now it felt different. She felt in control and at peace, despite where she was. She looked back down at the gun, and picked it up again. She remembered how to properly hold a rifle. She checked to see if it was loaded, and to her surprise it was. It seemed to hold 8 shots. She finished with it, and put the rifle strap around her shoulder to carry it easier and more comfortably. She walked out back into the main lobby, Alex and Corey saw her. Alex asked "woah where did you get that?" Danielle said "an old box, in that office back there" Alex said "hopefully you won't need to use it, but it's good to have it" Alex continued "I really don't like that whispering noise, so the sooner we can go the better.." Corey replied "I still don't hear it" Danielle wanted to change the subject, to distract from the eerie nature of this room. She asked "so what did you guys find?" Alex bluntly said "a skeleton" Corey commented "you say that like it's normal.." Alex explained "well I mean this place is abandoned. It was probably for good reason. A very old dead body in an abandoned building isn't too unusual, that's probably the most normal thing we have seen so far..on this very weird island" Corey countered "nah I'd say it was the strangest thing.." Alex asked "oh no, you're not going to go on about the clothes again are you?" Danielle asked "what about the clothes?"  Alex sighed and said "'s better if we just show you" the 3 of them headed back into that office.......

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