Chapter 4: Gathering Intel

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As I walked through the corridor, my hands were tightly cuffed, flanked by soldiers. The glares of onlookers met my eyes, but I chose to respond with a mischievous smile and playful gestures, intentionally trying to annoy them. Suddenly, one of the guards struck me in the gut with the butt of his rifle.

"Damn, you hit like a bitch," I jeered, unable to resist a chuckle. I was swiftly pulled back to my feet, only to come face to face with a member of the WLF organization, who had my baseball bat attached to his hip.

"What? You like it?" he taunted, clearly relishing the situation.

Without hesitation, I swung my fist, landing a solid blow to his face, leaving a visible mark on his nose. "I don't care," I shouted, determinedly. "But I will reclaim my bat."

As I was dragged away from the scene, I continued to make my way towards Colonel Mason's office, driven by a fierce determination to retrieve what was rightfully mine.

Couple hours later:

Cassandra POV:

I found myself in a hotel, stealthily observing a group of WLF members who appeared to be enjoying themselves. Their laughter and merriment turned my stomach, a constant reminder of the dire situation my brother was in. Determination surged within me, compelling me to take whatever action was necessary to locate his whereabouts.

Carefully noting their behaviour and operational patterns, I meticulously planned my next move. With a sniper rifle in hand, I aimed for the head of one of the WLF members, swiftly eliminating them before anyone had a chance to react. Seizing the moment, I swiftly approached the group, brandishing my pistol and opening fire.

In a ruthless display, I eliminated every individual in the hotel, except for two members whom I deemed suitable for interrogation. One of them caught my attention, and I recognized him as Nick. Stepping forward, I confronted him, my voice filled with intensity. "Hello, do you remember me?" I asked, the weight of my words hanging in the air.

Nick glanced at me, his eyes filled with defiance. "No, why would I know you, you crazy person?" he retorted.

Without a moment's hesitation, I delivered a forceful punch to his nose, causing it to break. "I'll ask again," I said firmly, gripping the back of his head to make him face me. "Do you recognize who I am?" I demanded, searching his eyes for any flicker of recognition.

"Cassandra," he whispered, finally acknowledging my identity.

A smirk played on my lips as I maintained my grip on him. "Where is my brother?" I demanded, my voice seething with determination. Pressing a knife against his throat, I warned him, "Don't think for a second that I won't end your life."

Nick trembled and tears streamed down his face, his tough façade crumbling. I struck him repeatedly, my anger fuelling each blow, until he finally choked out, "Okay, I'll tell you."

I produced a map and, using his own blood, I compelled him to mark the location where my brother was being held. "Good," I said with cold satisfaction. Without hesitation, I drew my gun and swiftly ended Nick's life. I then turned my attention to the remaining member, who was bound and visibly terrified. "Your turn," I stated, my voice filled with an unsettling determination.

Ellie POV:

As I rode through the desolate remnants of Seattle with Joel, Dana, and Jessie, I found myself keeping my distance from Joel due to our fractured bond. However, I was gradually beginning to feel more comfortable around him.

While we were traveling, I decided to share the story of how I once saved Joel's life. Dana seemed genuinely interested in hearing it, but Jessie remained somewhat aloof, simply listening without much reaction. As we rode along, I stumbled upon an old tourist map that provided a detailed overview of Seattle. I hoped it might offer some clues as to where Cassandra could have ended up.

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