Chapter 10: Showdown

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Ellie POV:

As I witnessed the horrifying sight of the monstrous creature standing before us, my instincts kicked in. I swiftly tried to back away, dragging Y/N's body with me. However, the creature let out a thunderous roar, declaring, "No... Loose... Ends." Its slimy tentacles shot out in all directions, searching for its prey.

Reacting quickly, Joel seized his shotgun and unleashed a barrage of bullets upon the creature, providing us with some cover as he began to retreat. Meanwhile, Cassandra rushed to my side, lending a helping hand to lift Y/N and guiding us towards a potential escape route.

But our hopes were shattered when the creature's tentacles snaked around Y/N's leg, forcefully pulling him backward towards its menacing grasp. The panic surged within me, and I screamed desperately, refusing to let go of Y/N's arm, determined to save him.

In a brave move, Jesse unloaded his pistol on the creature, causing it to stagger and crash against the wall. Dina swiftly rushed to Jesse's side, ensuring his safety. Taking advantage of the distraction, Joel swiftly grabbed my machete and sliced through the tentacle ensnaring Y/N. Relieved, I entrusted Y/N to Cassandra, who held onto him tightly.

Reacting swiftly, I grabbed a Molotov cocktail from my bag and hurled it towards the creature, igniting it in a blaze. The monstrous being roared in agony, thrashing about as the flames consumed its body.

With a sense of urgency, I shouted at everyone to move quickly. "Go, go!" I ordered, as Joel maneuvered the garage door, opening and closing it with each of us running through, desperately trying to escape the clutches of the creature.

As we fled, an alarm blared throughout the compound, indicating that the WLF members were scrambling to prepare for an imminent wave of infected. Thankfully, Joel discovered a small, quiet safe room where we could seek shelter.

Taking refuge in the safe room, we caught our breaths and assessed our situation. Knowing that the infected were on their way, we prepared ourselves for the impending battle, grateful for the temporary respite that the safe room provided.

Colonel Mason POV:

As the alarm blared, signalling the need for immediate evacuation, I swiftly retrieved my pistol from the drawer and cocked it. To my dismay, the men who stood before me revealed their disloyalty.

"You stay here and guard," I commanded, my voice firm. "I'll take the project with me." With that, I briskly exited the room, ensuring to lock the door behind me, leaving those treacherous men to their uncertain fate.

I made my way towards the concealed closet wall, knowing that what lay inside held the key to my last hope. It was a vial containing the infected blood extracted from the monstrous creature. This vial was my final recourse, to be used only if all else failed. Determined, I entered the code that would unlock the secret compartment.

With the vial securely in my possession, I set my sights on the landing pad. It was time to abandon this doomed place and make my escape.


As I strolled through the vast expanse of darkness, a realm devoid of colour and tangible form, I found solace in the realm of thoughts. Uncertainty plagued my mind, casting doubt upon everything I once held dear. Yet amidst the void, fragments of memories flickered, reminding me that my existence had not been in vain.

In the distance, a figure emerged, Anarchy. Standing tall upon a cliff's edge, he beckoned me forward. A rush of familiarity surged within me as I recalled countless instances of standing in this very spot. It was a place where my parents' settlement thrived, untouched by the ravages of destruction that would later befall it.

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