Chapter 215 - 216

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Chapter 215 Liu Lingling asks for help [first update]

A paunchy man came out, wearing a Chinese tunic suit and a pen in his breast pocket. Seeing the dark faces of Zhen Shuai and Shen Xingdu, he was startled, "Are you looking for me?"

Zhen Shuai shook his hand enthusiastically, "Hello, manager, thank you for taking the time to meet. Why don't we look for you?" A place where we can chat slowly?"

The manager was not interested in talking to these two dirty people, but he was also afraid that they came to him with important matters, so he frowned and walked outside, "If you have anything to say, just tell me. "

There's no one else nearby, so it's okay to talk here. Zhen Shuai got straight to the point, "Manager, it's like this. I have a large number of agricultural products, including vegetables and fruits. I wonder if you are interested?" "Which farm are you from? Where is the letter of introduction?" The manager stared at him and Shen Xing closely

. He looked at the governor's face, trying hard to make out their faces beneath the dark smudges.

Zhen Shuai avoided talking, "There is no letter of introduction, but we can guarantee that there is no problem with the origin of this batch of goods." "

No letter of introduction?" The fat manager sounded suspicious, "Could your goods be stolen? ?"

Zhen Shuai frowned in displeasure. Wanting to try harder, he opened his backpack and revealed the watermelon inside, "Of course not. It's almost October. Which of the farms you know can still grow watermelons?"

The joy in the fat manager's eyes almost popped out. If only the supply and marketing cooperative he is responsible for has watermelons, the business will definitely exceed that of other supply and marketing cooperatives and department stores. This is also a shining achievement for him. Promotion and salary are not a problem. However, the lack of approval slip for this batch of goods is always a problem.

Zhen Shuai can probably guess his concerns, but the fat manager often interacts with people on the farm below, and there are always one or two acquaintances, so it shouldn't be a problem to find a way to get a batch of approval slips. All he needed to do was give Fat Man another push.

He whispered: "I have watermelons, bananas, grapes, cabbages, green peppers, eggplants and cucumbers here. They are all just picked. They are very fresh. I can give you an appropriate profit." The fat manager finally moved,

" Come in with me and talk in detail."

After a heated exchange of words, the price of watermelons on the purchase order was one yuan and fifty cents each, bananas two yuan a bunch, grapes three cents a bunch, and all vegetables six cents a pound. The fat manager actually pays the bill according to watermelon at one yuan and forty cents, bananas at one yuan and eighty eighty cents, grapes at two and a half cents per bunch, and all vegetables at five cents per catty. The difference in price is the fat manager’s kickback. Not only that, because watermelons, bananas and grapes each (bunch) have different weights, as long as Fatty works well, for example, selling bananas by roots and watermelons by pieces, he can still take advantage of it.

The fat man was therefore very enthusiastic towards Zhen Shuai and Shen Xingdu, and generously offered to give them some defective thermos bottles, towels, cloths, dishes, etc. in the warehouse.

The time for the transaction was set at nine o'clock in the evening, in the ruins of the suburbs that collapsed due to heavy rain.

At about 8:50, Zhen Shuai and Shen Xingdu arrived at their destination and saw two large trucks approaching from a distance. The fat manager was sitting in the passenger seat of a large truck in front of them.

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