Chapter 242 - 243

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Chapter 242 Leaves hidden dangers

About ten minutes later, Zhen Shuai saw Wang Ziyun and his party tiptoeing downstairs with weapons. Except for Wang Ziyun, Wen Tao, Han Xin and Xu Wei, who were holding baseball bats, the others had various weapons, including fire axes, clothes drying poles, mops, brooms, and even a bunch of clothes hangers. People want to laugh but can't. School is a place for studying. It is not easy to find any large-scale weapons of destruction. It is already very good to be able to assemble these weapons.

After careful observation, Zhen Shuai found that the zombies seemed to have bad eyesight. When he saw them appearing, he did not get close to them and continued to wander forward aimlessly. He made a "ho ho" sound in his mouth, not knowing what he wanted to express. But their hearing seemed to be very sensitive. There was a "bang" sound from somewhere, and several zombies tilted their heads, as if they were listening to distant sounds.

Zhen Shuai secretly breathed a sigh of relief for Wang Ziyun and others. As long as they didn't make too much noise, it was still possible to reach the girls' dormitory building smoothly.

But the group of people who also went down to the dormitory building opposite were not so lucky, because a boy screamed in panic, which immediately attracted the attention of several zombies. This made the other two less courageous boys also scream, attracting more zombies. Soon, two boys were knocked down and bitten by two zombies. Several other people were so frightened that their faces turned pale. They dared not stay downstairs. They were instantly defeated and just ran downstairs. The two boys who were bitten screamed for help, but received no response from anyone. They were quickly eaten by a group of zombies and became bloody and motionless.

Zhen Shuai's stomach churned, and he could no longer look at it. He looked away uncomfortably, his lips tightly pursed, and his eyes that usually seemed to always be smiling became a little less bright and became a little more solemn.

"I'm here."

His cheek was caressed, and the low and steady voice in his ear seemed to smell like ice and snow, which made Zhen Shuai quickly calm down. He is a man with two golden fingers, how can he be frightened by a small apocalypse?

He took a hard bite of the bread in his hand, deliberately not thinking about the disgusting scene he just saw, and forced himself to swallow the bread. "I'm fine." Although Shen Xingdu felt distressed, he didn't say anything

. I'm afraid their stay in this world will not be short, and there will be many similar situations in the future, which requires Zhen Shuai to adapt to.

After the two finished breakfast, the others hadn't come back yet.

Zhen Shuai wanted to go out and try to kill zombies, but he had no weapons. You have to find an opportunity to take out the Wuxie Sword.

With nothing to do, Zhen Shuai had no choice but to continue reading the novel he read yesterday.

More than an hour later, Wang Ziyun and others finally came back, bringing back four girls from the class, namely Deng Huihui, Zhou Wei, Liu Yan and Fan Ningning. They were the only four surviving girls in the class. Fortunately, none of the four including Wang Ziyun and Zhou Wei were injured.

Not only that, except for the fact that their faces are a little pale, the hair and clothes of the four Deng Huihui girls are neat and without any stains. It can be seen that they are well protected. There was a flash of disapproval in Zhen Shuai's eyes.

Everyone gathered in Wang Ziyun's bedroom again.

"Those zombies are not difficult to deal with at all. I killed eight zombies in total." Wen Tao said proudly, glancing at Zhen Shuai and Shen Xingdu intentionally or unintentionally.

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