4. The Disguise

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Four months ago,

"Three hundred people heavily injured. Seventy seven people succumbed to death. Twenty three among those died in the riots itself. Others died from the injuries they sustained. What has humanity come to now? These were normal people. These were your friends, your neighbor's, your spouses who turned feral. And none of them were infected. None of them had the virus. These were 'normal' people who did the things they did." The news announcer's voice hissed through the radio. "The carnage that they left behind, streets painted with blood, houses burnt. The sector 21 City Hall, vandalized, the deaths of five government officials at the hands of these rioters who managed to break in through the barricades. The question is: after so many deaths whose hands are the ones drenched with the most blood?" Another hiss of static, a sigh of sadness, exasperation. "Today we have The First Man himself in the studio with us to express sadness on the behalf of the government. What is the Seat of Authority's opinion on the mayhem in sector 21?" The announcer asked.

Another hiss of a sad sigh. Then a voice spoke. "When I speak, I speak as a human being and not as the First Man, not as the claimant of Seat of Authority. The events and consequences that unravelled in sector 21 are not just unfortunate, they are devastating. People have lost their families, their homes in the destruction. As tragic as it is what happened, it is still wrong to blame it all on the public. I feel like a failure as a leader for having to have witnessed an event like this. A big share of the blame rests on my shoulders. In fact I want to take full responsibility of what happened."

"Why? Why do you want to shoulder the blame all by yourself?"

"Because this country is my home." The First Man said. "The people we lost to the riots aren't just citizens, they are my family. My own people that I lost. My heart is so heavy with sadness that it might just fall out of my chest." Another hiss of static. "But this isn't the time to mourn and grieve. It is times like these that remind us how important it is to stand together. And fight together. This is my earnest cry for help. For all the citizens, all my dear family members of this big family of mine, come join the government to heal the wounds these riots have inflicted on the society in Sector 21. All the poor injured are writhing in their sick beds, tormented by the pain, the citizens and rescue operatives alike. They need your help. Report to Sector 21 as quickly as you can to offer help. This country will be forever grateful to you, my dear doctors, rescuers, fighters. You will be compensated for your efforts. Reach out to offer help and be helped in return. It is not strangers who are asking for your help. It is your own family. And I'm asking this, not as the First Man of the Country, not as the claimant of the seat of authority. But as just another of your family member. Please, your family needs your help."

Then an automated message spoke: "Note down the following radio-frequency to contact the Sector 21 Rescue and Relief recruitment desk..."

Clint noted down the frequency.

"What are you doing?" Marie asked. They were in the living room of their house in Sector 21. Not exactly their house. More like the house they were squatting in.

"I'm gonna apply as a doctor to help the Rescue and Relief division." Clint said, as he quickly reached into his back pack and searched around for their portable CB radio.

"Honey, but Zack is injured, I won't be able to look after him while also scavenging for supplies. Someone has to stay near him at all times." She said in a low voice, so as not to wake up their son, who was asleep in the next room with a big cut running down his leg. The cut was dressed with bandage but Zack was still burning with a fever.

Clint winced at the thought of having to leave his wife and son alone in this situation. But it was too dangerous to take them along with him to an area that had witnessed such intense violence. Who knew what other dangers lurked there in the aftermath. Maybe more rioters planning on raising another riot. It was risky alright for him going alone. But it would've been downright catastrophic to him if he took his family along and another disaster broke out. He pulled his wife closer, embracing her. "I'm doing this for us. And I won't be there for long. I'll work until I manage to acquire a government ration card." He said. "It's easier to get one if I work as a rescue and relief doctor. Plus the First Man was saying that whoever helps will be compensated. Try to understand, I don't wanna see you or Zack starving like you are right now."

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