♡Chapter 4♡

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{Poppy's pyjamas}

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{Poppy's pyjamas}

It was a Saturday morning and Poppy, Stephanie and DJ were watching cartoons with Joey. They were all sat on the couch wearing their pyjamas as they ate cereal.

"Cereal, cartoons, pajamas. This is why God created Saturday." Joey sat down next to the girls, handing them their cereal.

"Let's watch MTV." DJ and Poppy pleaded.

"No. Let's watch Bugs bunny." Stephanie argued.

"But, Steph, Bugs Bunny is kid stuff. We got watch Yogi Bear." Joey told the 5 year old.

"But I like Bugs Bunny." Stephanie whined.

"Yeah, but, Steph, every episode is the same. Elmer Fudd says, 'Why, you pesky wabbit.' Then he takes a shot at Bugs. Then Yosemite Sam comes in. 'Ooh, ah hate that rabbit.' Then he takes a shot at Bugs. I mean, with all that shooting going on I don't know why Bugs ever pops his head out of that hole." Joey explained "Let's face it. The rabbit has a death wish."

"Better than watching Yogi stela that same picnic basket." Stephanie sassed. "Boring." Stephanie then fake yawned.

Poppy laughed at Stephanie's comment. "Kid, you're funny."

"Morning, kids." Danny came downstairs with a basket full of laundry.

The four greeted the man as he came down the steps.

"I don't really see you eating cereal out of pots with wooden implements, do I?" Danny rhetorically asked.

"Yes." The three girls and Joey casually nodded.

"Great, after breakfast why don't we just take this laundry down to the bay and beat it against some rocks?" Danny sarcastically asked. "Joey, can you come with me right now into the kitchen, please?"

"What, now? I'll miss the start of Yogi." Joey complained like a child.

"It's not Agatha Christie. You'll catch up." Danny patted his shoulder.

"Girls, take accurate notes." Joey told them as he left the living room and went in the kitchen with Danny.


DJ, Poppy and Stephanie got bored of the tv and they walk into the kitchen.

"Joey, Yogi may be much smarter than the average bear but he's much dumber than the average three-year-old." DJ comments.

The pot on the counter moves a few inches.

"What's that?" Poppy furrows her eyebrows.

Danny quickly thinks of a lie. "That? Oh, it's dinner. Roast beef. Yeah, roast beef."

The pot moves some more.

𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐞 {𝐅𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞} [𝐎𝐂 𝐗 𝐎𝐂]Where stories live. Discover now