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~ like father, like son ~
December 2

I have to hold in a squeal of excitement. Charles fucking Leclerc just...hired me? I don't even know right know, the adrenaline and disbelief having made my mind unable to function.

"Oh yeah sorry, I'm Charles" Charles introduces himself, even though I very much don't need an introduction.

He puts out his hand for me to shake, Julius still sleeping on his shoulder. "I'm Carolina" I respond, giving his hand a quick shake.

"Carolina..." He mutters, repeating me. Dimples form at the corners of his mouth, as he smiles. "I like it, it matches you" He adds, making my cheeks warm up.

Matches me? I bite my inner cheek trying to hold back a grin, but I eventually give up, a wide grin spreading across my face.

He looks at his watch, a watch that's probably more expensive than my whole family's net worth. His eyes widen, realisation suddenly hitting him.

"Shit.." He mumbles under his breath. "I need to be in the car in 10 minutes" He utters, panic written all over his face.

I widen my eyes, my gaze dropping to Julius who's in a very deep sleep.

"I'm really so sorry to ask this, but can you maybe take him now? I'll pay you as much as you want" Charles says, the words running out of his mouth so quickly I barely understand what he's saying.

Panic rushes through me, what if Julius actually isn't comfortable around me. Charles seemed rather surprised that I'd even been close to him.

"Uhm, yes of course" I reply, causing Charles to send me a grateful smile.

Charles carefully lifts up Julius, handing him over to me slowly so he doesn't wake up. I take Julius into my arms, placing him on my hip, letting his head rest on my shoulder.

"Thank you so so so much" Charles says, giving Julius a kiss on the cheek, before he hurries off. I watch Charles run down the paddock, leaving me alone with his son, who I've spent the total of about 10 minutes with.

I look down at Julius, a weird warmth spreading in my heart, his mouth slightly open as he softly snores on my shoulder.

He's practically a clone of his father, their features the exact same. From their messy brown hair to their matching Ferrari shirts, Julius is a mini version of Charles.


"I'm sorry, but you're name needs to be on the list" A doorman outside the Ferrari building tells me, after I've tried explaining to him for the fifth time, that I'm literally standing with Charles Leclerc's son.

I push a hand through my hair, glancing down at Julius who's beginning to wake up. Fuck. I really need to get in now.

"Don't worry, she's with me" A woman's voice suddenly erupts behind me. "And what's you're name?" The doorman asks, clearly annoyed at the woman, who moves to stand next to me.

"Isa" She answers, her gaze dropping down to the sleeping boy in my arms. Her eyes widen as she realises... "Hernaez" She quickly adds, giving the doorman a tight smile.

Christmas with the Leclerc'sDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora