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~ Race winner ~
December 5

The satisfying sound of my suitcase rolling against the pavement rings in my ears. It's finally Wednesday and saying I've anticipated this day is a major understatement. I've barely slept the last couple days, the excitement bubbling inside me, keeping me awake.

"Caro! Caro, Wait!" Julius's voice pierces through the building. Thank god, I was starting to get lost in this massive airport. A smile somehow already creeping up my lips, I turn on my heel to face the boy.

"Julius!" I call back, the brunette boy running straight towards me, dragging a lightning McQueen suitcase with him. A wide grin is spread across his lips, as he continues running at an impressive speed for a 5 year old.

But before Julius crashes straight into me, he suddenly stops, his shoes squeaking against the marble floor. He almost slides towards me, barely keeping his balance from the very sudden halt. His eyes are widened, an expression I still can't read coating them.

It looks like he suddenly remembered something, like he has a promise within himself...

"I've missed you" Julius whispers, the same cloud of shyness floating over him, exactly like when this happened the last time. My heart melts over his words, my eyebrows rising in surprise.

I squat down in front of him, our eyes lining up. "I've missed you as well Julius" I answer truthfully, because I really have. Even though it sounds dumb to say I've missed a 5 year old, you'd be surprised at how boring life when there isn't someone constantly asking question or trying to grab your attention.

"Hey" Charles softly says behind Julius, the sweet smile I'd pay to see, plastered across his lips. I stand up properly, and the moment his eyes catch mine I'm brought back to the last time we were together.

The drivers room, his hoodie, the hug...

"Hey" I reply, my voice barely coming out, turning into a whisper on the way through my mouth.

Charles is standing in a grey hoodie with matching sweatpants, a very expensive looking suitcase in his hands.

"Papa we have to show Caro our jet!" Julius exclaims, erupting the silence that had build up between me and Charles.

Imagine being able to say that you have a private jet, as a 5 year old...

Charles let's out a chuckle, looking over at me with a slight laugh as he ruffles Julius's hair. "Of course Mon Ange, why don't you show us the way" Charles answers Julius, putting a hand on his back.

"Sure! But be prepared for how quickly I walk with this new suitcase!" Julius responds, a dead serious expression on his face. I have to bite my inner cheek to hold back a laugh, that had to be the cutest and funniest thing he's said.

"Oh really? I think you forgot my job is to be fast" Charles responds, playing along with Julius. Joy spreads across Julius's face, before he quickly forces himself to act serious again.

"You want to race?" Julius challenges him, crossing his arms across his chest. His brows are furrowed like he's angry, but it's clear in his eyes that he's happier than ever.

"First person to get to the plane wins" Charles dares him, putting out his hand for Julius to shake.
"Deal."  Julius dramatically replies, aggressively shaking Charles's hand. A grin is spreads across my face.

"Wait guys you can't do this..." I tell them, biting down on my bottom lip to suppress the smile. Both of them quickly turn their head at me, looking at me like I'm insane.

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