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Hanna's pov

I took Aiko and Ando by the hands and gently led them into the house. Aiko adjusted quickly, likely used to constant change due to growing up in the apocalypse.

I do acknowledge most children raised in an apocalypse aren't like Danny, for obvious reasons.

It took Ando longer to become comfortable in the cosy home atmosphere of the house.

"Are you alright?" I asked Ando gently as I noticed he seemed hesitant to do anything, even something as simple as sitting down.
"I'm fine," Ando said with a dazed expression before mumbling to himself, "Is this place really real? Did I actually die and go to heaven?"
"Honey, I can assure you my home is real, and I'm pretty sure you're still alive or you wouldn't be stood here with us, would you?" I said to reassure the teenage boy who seemed as if he was trying to perform self hypnosis.

After standing dumbly in the living room for half an hour, Ando seemed to finally accept that what he was experiencing was real. In contrast to his older brother Aiko, he was having a blast as he played with Danny, who shared his toys, only insisting Aiko was careful and didn't brake them, which I was proud of him for. Especially considering Aiko wanted to play with Danny's favourite teddy, one of the few he had from before the apocalypse. I left the two to play mostly unsupervised as I whipped up a quick meal of honey roasted ham sandwiches and strawberry juice, which is much harder when you have to make the ham, butter and bread yourself nevermind juicing the fruit, luckily I'd made a batch earlier in the week which was still fresh and good to eat.

When I popped my head in to call the boys down, I saw a scene that made me giggle.

Danny stood in front of the brothers who were both now sat on the carpeted floor with four of his dolls. Two male dolls and two female dolls, he was explaining to the two boys about how anyone can love anyone, regardless of gender. I felt my heart fill with pride as he excitedly explained how even if one day he liked a boy, it was ok because boys could like boys and girls could like girls and it's normal. What made me giggle, though, was how the two brothers reacted. Aiko must have taken the 'lesson' in full swing because as soon as Danny had finished his lecture and demonstration with the dolls, which mainly showed the dolls hugging.

He jumped up and hugged Danny before proudly declaring, "Good because I like you!" And kissing Danny's cheek, which caused him to burn red.

In contrast, Ando looked like he'd just been told that a zombie wanted to date him. Honestly, I couldn't tell if it was because of what Danny said or what Aiko did.

In the end, the kids heard my laughter, and I told them food was ready, so to come to the kitchen to eat. Ando's colourful expression almost made me burst out laughing again, but I swallowed it back for the teens fragile pride.

The boys took no time to make their way to the kitchen. Danny was indifferent to the simple sandwich, Aiko was intrigued but eager to try the food, and Ando looked shocked at the sight of the simple brown bread ham sandwiches in front of them. In contrast to his reaction to the sandwich, Danny was visibly excited by the strawberry juice, and Aiko seemed hesitant to try it until he saw Danny guzzling it down.

I heard Ando mumbling to himself in confusion, asking, "What is that drink? Is it blood? It doesn't smell of blood..."
"Strawberry juice," I answered his mumbles instinctively, surprising the boy who didn't expect me to hear what he said and especially not expecting an answer.
"Oh," the now flushed teen said as he hesitantly sipped at his glass of juice.

Upon tasting the juice, both boys showed an identical matching expression of awe as they drowned the rest of their juice, I couldn't help reaffirming their sibling relationship at heart.

Having finished the simple meal, I glanced outside to see the already dark sky. It was winter, so although it was only 5 pm, it looked like it could be midnight. Glancing back over my shoulder, I could see Aiko was getting sleepy, so I decided to take the boys upstairs to clean up ready for bed. Danny's usual bedtime was 7 p.m., but I felt like he'd probably want to go to sleep at the same time as Aiko. Ando looked much less sleepy, so I wouldn't force the teen to go to bed as early as the boys, but I'd still encourage him to wash up now so he could go to sleep more easily when he got tired.

"Boys, let's get you cleaned up!" I said as I took Aiko's hand and gestured for Ando to follow me.

Danny had already ran up stairs upon hearing me speak.

"Where are we going?" Ando queried, confused by my statement.
"To the bathroom so you can all wash up ready for bed," I answered patiently, expecting some complaints or outright refusal from the older boy. However, it never happened.

Walking up the steps with the boys trailing behind me, we reached the bathroom and the brothers stood together like lost puppies, then it dawned on me they may not take baths or wash up at home due to their living situation not being as good as this. I felt my cheeks flush lightly from embarrassment, but Danny had already started running a bath and seemed like he was determined to share it with Aiko. Since Aiko didn't seem to resist the idea, either I mostly ignored it, the two were probably each others first friends their own age. For Ando, I brought him to the sink and patiently taught him how to wash his face and brush his teeth.

Apocalypse? So what I got a 5 year old to raise!Where stories live. Discover now