Chapter 12: Calypto Ball

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This chapter is brought to you by Supermassive Black Hole by Muse. 


The Calypto Ball to introduce Tobus Arcadia to Vesna was somehow even flashier than all the House's previous balls. The ball to celebrate the birth of the Calypto Heir was the only one that could rival this event. 

Bel waited in the grand hall with the rest of the lords and ladies, and heirs and wards. 

The floor beneath his feet was made entirely out of something shiny and white and notably expensive. The red and gold curtains tied up and hung around the walls and pillars were a symbol of luxury. The servants who handled catering had on linen aprons over silk shirts. 

The Monttevis were well-off, but not to the point of outrageous extravagance. The Calyptos liked to flaunt their riches, and he could see they had successfully evoked envy by the way the other lords and ladies gritted their teeth or stared too long at something shiny.

Bel felt nervous standing in a room that no doubt was worth ten times the price of the Monttevi Compound. 

He stayed obediently beside his uncle as the man spoke with another group of lords. It seemed he cared little for the Calyptos' wealth. 

He always believed killers should be humble and detested the Calypto for their excessive indulgence. 

"Bel! Bel! Look!" 

Rowan came over with toddling steps and showed him a dessert of some sort. It looked like candy covered in gold leaf. 

Bel smiled patiently and held out his hand.

Rowan proceeded to eat the dessert in front of him, blow a raspberry, and then ran off, leaving him with an empty hand. 

He felt veins throbbing on his forward as his hand balled into a fist. 

That tiny little fucker! 

But before he could hunt down his cousin and put the fear of the gods into him, a servant dressed as the master of ceremonies stood by the grand entrance and announced:

"The Lord and Lady Calypto, Heir Lady Jovette, and Ward Lady Rasamund." 


The Ball officially started as the main members of the Calypto family made their entrance. 

Mercury saw the Lord and Lady enter first with their daughter and heir, Jove-something, from what he remembered, in Lord Calypto's arms. Trailing behind them was Lady Rasamund, the daughter of Lord Calypto's late brother. 

She had more piercings than the last time Mercury saw her, about a year ago at the solstice celebration. 

"Lord Arcadia and Associates," the master of ceremonies said once the family descended the stairs. 

All eyes focused on the door as the pretty boy Mercury saw by the fountain appeared.

He was dressed in red like the rest of his family, but his presence took everyone's focus. 

His emerald green eyes were narrowed and unseeing as he scanned the crowd of observers like some wilde spirit from beyond Vesna's walls inspecting lower life forms with little interest. 

The atmosphere, which was warm by the hearth and good food, became stagnated. 

Their eyes met and Mercury felt prickles on his neck. 

He held his breath--it seemed many in the room were holding theirs as well--before those eyes left him to peer at something else. 

Eventually, Tobus Arcadia made his way down to join the rest of his family. 

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