Chapter 13: O Happy Dagger

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This chapter is brought to you by This Ain't a Scene, It's an Arms Race by Fall Out Boy.

Part III

When Lord Calypto had ordered Raven and his men to train his long-lost nephew in the art of the Calypto Twin Daggers, Raven felt it was a waste of resources and time.

Nepotism at its best, really.

Usually, new recruits weren't allowed to learn the twin daggers until they were proficient in the soft sword and other basic weaponry.

Lady Rasamund was a special case, unlike Lord Arcadia. She was the daughter of two prominent Houses and had a future secured with the Saintly Sisters Assassination Corps.

Lord Arcadia was some kid picked up from who knows where.

Raven was complaining to his partner about all of this, but Robin--always one with a soft spot for children--didn't agree with him.

"You didn't see what he was like," Robin insisted. He was a part of the group that went with Lord Calypto outside the city walls. "He was in The Arena."

"So he saw hundreds of executions and might have participated in low-risk battles. He's no different than most of the new recruits."

"Just give him a chance. You will know his potential when you meet him."

Raven wasn't convinced, but at Robin's insistence, he relented.

He would test the boy himself, and if he found him unworthy of the blade, he would immediately wash his hands of him.


Nine waited at the entrance of the training ground for his assigned instructor.

From where he stood, caught glimpses of weapons specialized by the Calypto mercenaries lining the walls. Daggers, short swords, and soft swords took up the majority of the space, followed by other unique killing tools.

Nine saw a few rope darts and crossbows on a couple of shelves.

The Calyptos didn't allow training tools. They believed the use of wooden weapons and dulled practice blades would hinder the ability to learn.

It taught soldiers not to make mistakes by hanging the risk of injuries and death over their heads.

"Lord Arcadia."

A tall, broad man approached him with a hint of impatience.

Nine nodded in greeting.

"I am Raven of Division 44. I shall be your instructor from henceforth."

"I am Tobus Arcadia. Please call me Nine."

Without missing a beat, the man said, "Lord Calypto has warned me about that. The answer is no. Please follow me. I will show you around the training ground and then you will be given a test. Should you fail it, I will relinquish you from my teachings and report to Lord Calypto of your failure."

Again, Nine nodded, familiar with the song and dance of it all.

Funnily enough, Raven reminded him of the executioners from The Arena. Perhaps his roommate's sister took inspiration from their drill sergeants and instructors.

Raven didn't bother to be polite as he turned toward the training ground.

"Let's go. I want to get this over with by lunch."

The training ground was divided into two levels. The upper level was the dueling ground and the lower level was a maze with numerous rooms and more weapons hidden within numerous surfaces and walls.

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