5 • the exam

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The exam was extremely stressful for everyone, not only the princes who were participating. Everyone began to arrive , the mothers wishing a final good luck to their sons. Originally you were there for Uiseong and you did wish him support but seeing the queens sons alone you couldn't help but interact with them.

Muan and Gyeseong were the first two to arrive out of the three participating.

"You two don't look too nervous" you approached the boys.

"Really? I feel like my legs are about to give up." Muan said trying to get a sneak peek look into the exam area.

"You'll do well. And even if you don't succeed you will still have the life of a grand Prince." You reassured Muan before turning to his younger brother. 

"Gyeseong can I have a quick word?" You asked the boy, he was about to reply but his brother spoke before him.

"Favouritism." Muan complained. You just laughed as you walked away with his brother.

"I got the hanbok." You said in a private area away from everyone else.

"I'm afraid someone else knows" Gyeseong said after having an awful feeling in his stomach from hearing rustling the other day.

"What?" You asked confused. "Have you moved your things?"

"I haven't been able to, all the exam preparation has kept me occupied." Worry was beginning to take over the boy.

"Don't worry, focus on your exam. I will sort it out. When we find out how well you did I will give you the clothes-"

"But where will I keep them?"

"Gyeseong, there's a whole world outside of the palace walls. Now show everyone you are crown Prince material." You smiled to the boy, he seemed to calm down. The two of you walked back to the crowd.

"Y/n I wondered where you went." Uiseong said seeing you appear again.

"Oh I was just talking to Gyeseong about some literature I read of his." You smiled to your fiancé. Although you were slowly hating that fact. He was your fiancé. It just didn't feel correct. It felt rushed.

"Well I'm glad you weren't wishing him luck, I need as much luck as I can get so I can be crown Prince and you can be my crown Princess." Uiseong smiled at you. You tried to not let your smile falter.

"You don't need any luck, you can do it all by yourself." You said trying to not think too much about the outcome of if he did succeed.

"Is this a little group forming?" Seongnam asked, now appearing too. He stood right next to you, his arm almost pressed against yours. And it very clearly did go unnoticed.

"Well I guess now we are a little group, before it was just me and my wife to be."

"Oh is that still going on?" The two boys politely bickered, hiding their sharp tongues behind smiles.

"I hope this isn't a silly tactic so you can throw me off in the exam, I didn't realise you saw me as such a threat." Uiseong replied, this just earnt a heavy inhale from Seongnam.

"A threat? Ofcourse not, I just know what type of a man you are compared to what you claim to be." Seongnam said before excusing himself, holding onto your arm softly and whispering into your ear before walking to the gates as they opened - signalling it was time for the exam to start. You watched as Seongnam walked over there.

"What did he say?" Uiseong asked, annoyance clear in his tone. You kept your gaze on Seongnam for a few seconds more before turning to your future husband.

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