7 • two Brothers

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The crown prince returned in good health just in time for his daughter's birth, after weeks of being cared for in the shadows of the palace he was brought out to be the centre of attention. But the environment change seemed to be too much too soon and the truth of his ill health was seen by many. The king forbid the queen from leaving her quarters and no one except those the King allowed were able to see the crown prince.

Seongnam stood outside his older brother's quarters, waiting to be allowed access into. Him and his older brother had a bond stronger than any of the other princes despite not growing up together. He waited patiently, not making a scene but the Queen dowager didn't accept his behaviour.

"Are you defying the rules of the king?" She asked looking at her grandson as if he was nothing more than a piece of shit found in the stables.

"I'm simply waiting for my brother." Seongnam replied respectfully to his grandmother, not that she ever talked to him with an ounce of respect.

"I've always told you to hold it in, yet you still have not adjusted to life here in the palace." She said completely understanding her words drove into him like a sharp blade to the heart and mind. She knew this would hurt him but walked away as if she had just granted him with the highest compliment one could give to another. He watch as she did, a feeling creeping into him that was so familiar yet so horrid. He felt like an outcast and powerless.  He just walked off, accepting his defeat to his grandmother.

"Brother! Why aren't we demanding to see him?" Muan asked following Seongnam.

"Do whatever you want." Seongnam said trying to get away. The other three just paused as the oldest walked away. He seemed to be on a mission.

A few weeks later, you were in your estate and relaxing. You hadn't been to the palace since the exam. You felt lonely , although being home meant you did spend more time with your father. However, on this day he was in a rush.

"Why are you running around?" You asked him as he tried to find his belongings before heading to the palace.

"There's an important court meeting today and I need to make sure that I am as presentable as possible."

"Did something happen?"

"You know you can't be involved in politics."

"Asking doesn't make me involved." He sighed looking at your cheeky grin.

"Some court members are calling for the crown prince to be replaced." You gasped at this. "Now I must go, be well behaved for Ms Kim." He warned before leaving. You watched as he left. After a few hours of waiting there was a knock at the door. You didn't go to look, waiting for Ms Kim to answer. And a few minutes she returned.

"Lady...the Queen is here to see you." You looked at Ms Kim before seeing her Majesty appear behind her.

"Lady Y/n, I apologise of coming unannounced. But I..." her eyes started getting watery. "I need to help my sons." You quickly let her in hearing this.

"I will make things short. They are trying to depose of the crown Prince and replace the role with one of the other sons. I fear I can't stop this but I'm more worried  about what will happen to my eldest son." She said and although her expression was calm you could sense the need in her voice.

"As much as I would want to help , what can I realistically offer? I'm not even allowed into the palace." You admitted, ashamed of it all.


"Prince Uiseong-"

"Prince Uiseong is a Prince compared to me the Queen, you can enter the palace."

"Even now what can I do? I'm powerless compared to others within the palace."

"But you're influential to the princes, and that is what I need right now."

"You want me to influence the princes?

"I want you to look after my sons. I need someone as loyal as you to be by their sides. To protect them from not only people physically but also mentally."

"I can't help but feel like this is targeted at a person in particular." You admitted, pouring tea for her highness.

"Then I do not need to say much more." You paused.

"I wish for nothing more than a strong king to lead our country. And I feel others wish the same but with different images in their minds." The Queen looked at you, you looked at her. "The park family has always stayed loyal to your majesty, and we will continue to be this way."

"Oh Y/n." She grabbed your hand, holding it with care as if you were her own. "I thank you greatly for this. I must go now. Come to the palace tomorrow, but not for me." She said as she got up. In a rush to get back to the palace. You agreed.

Later in the day , the weather had become stormy. In complete abstract to the morning calm and bright weather. It was cold. But fitting the feelings that surrounded the palace after the sudden news of the crown princes passing was shared. Seongnam just sat there as he was informed of the news, a feeling of pain coming straight to his heart but despite the strong pain the rest of his body felt numb. As if all he could do was sit there in pain. The heavy rain out side reflecting his sorrow. He just sat there, the pain lingering within him. He didn't know what to do. He wanted to leave the palace , as he felt like just being there was suffocating him. But where could he go? To you? The girl he fully believed despised him?

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