Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Friend Hangout

Our daily routine was quickly fixed after the first day. I'd noticed that the first week has gotten smooth... almost too smooth.

I've been getting used to our new friends, as enamored as they were with Vali.

Trinity seemed to be the rash, life of the party type of girl.

Evelyn was super bubbly and friendly.

All in all, they were good friends, but the harem thing got annoying at times. On the other hand, I was kind of happy for Vali.

We sat down at our usual spot, eating our lunch while chatting amongst ourselves.

"I can't believe we're getting a test on the second week of school," Trinity complained, her red hair fluttering as she spoke. "And I'm not even good at math. I guess I'll just have to study."

"You all study?" I looked up from my phone.

Alice sighed. "Not everyone stays up all night playing games or whatever it is you do, Y/N."

I shrugged. "The letter C is my best friend." I took tests myopically, and somehow, it always works out.

"You're hopeless."

"I'm not the only hopeless one," I covertly looked at Vali, who was chuckling at our back-and-forth.

"Are they always like this?" Evelyn asked him.

"Always," Vali said, amused at our amiability. "Like an old married couple."

"He never runs out of comebacks," Trinity mused.

"Shut up, all of you," I rolled my eyes.

They all laughed at my expense, and I couldn't help but crack a smile.

We continued our camaraderie, with me choosing to simply listen. It wasn't until Evelyn said something in particular that I really found myself in the conversation.

"Did you guys know that the school is doing a vote on the most beautiful girls in school?"

"A vote?" Alice asked, intrigued.

"Why are they doing that?" Trinity also looked curious.

"Is that even legal?" I wondered dryly.

Vali shrugged at me. "Who knows, but it sounds interesting."

"Apparently, you can add yourself to the vote by sending a picture of yourself," Evelyn's eyes sparkled. "It sounds fun, I kind of want to enter."

"I know! Let's all enter!" Alice exclaimed.

"That actually sounds cool, not going to lie," Trinity nodded alongside them.

I looked at Vali as soon as the inevitable question popped up in their minds.

"If we enter, who are you choosing?" they asked at once.

"Uh..." Vali looked at a loss for words.

I patted his shoulder consolingly. "Choose your route, I guess."

"Well..." Vali was nervous as he glanced at them, knowing how eager they were for his response.

I sighed. "I have to save his ass again, huh?" I looked at them. "What? Are you guys not going to ask for my opinion?"

"You know damn well you don't care about the vote, Y/N." Alice crossed her arms.

"Yeah, it doesn't seem like you're one to give out compliments or opinions much," Trinity observed. Okay, that was fair.

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