Chapter 9

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Chapter 9: It Seriously Took Him Nine Chapters to Get Introduced

I was so glad to be out of that mental hospital.

Weren't they supposed to help with mental issues? It made me go insane instead. Holy shit, I am so happy that arc is over.

My parents have been holding their admonishments for two months. Even when they visited me in the mental hospital, I could tell it took all their willpower not to scream at me. Now that I was back at my house, they had no such compunctions.

"What were you thinking, Y/N?!" my mom shouted. "Jumping off buildings? I would say it's because of those videogames, but I sometimes play them too just to demolish your father. But I don't feel like jumping off buildings because of them!"

"Mom, but it wasn't because of videogames," I reasoned. "it was because of Batman."

"Of course it was!"

My dad leaned in closer to me and whispered, "Did you feel like Batman?"

"I wish I did."

"Personally, I sometimes have the urge to jump off buildings and web sling like Spider—"

My mom's piercing glare made him freeze.

There was nothing scarier than a mother's overprotective attitude... well, Vina and Layla's angry demeanors are tied for second.

"I mean," my father corrected himself, "that was a very irresponsible thing to do."

"Mom, you have to understand," I said.

"Understand what, Y/N?!"

"I am a growing boy," I began, pressing on my heart with my hand dramatically, "and eventually a boy turns into a man. And when we become men, we suddenly gain the masculine urge to travel the world, learn all the ways of combat, and then come back to fight crime, which sometimes involves us jumping off—"

"You have three seconds to understand me before I whoop your ass," my mother said with a darkened expression.

"Whoa, Mom, you're starting to sound like a Hispanic mom."

"This is a self-insert story so therefore I can become any ethnicity I want depending on the readers." She pulled out a sandal out of nowhere. "Three, two..."

Just then the king felt true fear for the first time...


I went back to school as per usual. People stared at me, and I could tell they knew what happened. I ignored their stares, too busy scrolling through my phone to see if there has been any new news regarding videogames that I missed because of that shitty visit to the mental hospital.

Oh yeah, I quickly found out that missing one day is a death sentence when it comes to math.
So imagine missing two months of math.

This is going to be my thirteenth reason why, isn't it?

The first day back at school was... almost normal. My friends welcomed me back. While we walked to school, Alice and Evelyn held Vali's hands at either side of him while Trinity hugged him from behind and clung onto him. My brother was blushing furiously. I groaned and facepalmed. Could he get any more cliché? Anyway, instead of welcoming me back like a normal person, Layla smacked me on the head and called me an idiot, before laughing at me for my befuddled expression.

Then I smacked her back, shouting, "Equal rights, equal fights."

That incited a giggle from her.

A week later all senses of normality returned. I had to grind to catch up to math. I continued having beef with my English teacher.

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