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JOSIE HUSLED UP THE COURT, EYES ON NIKA THE ENTIRE TIME. currently, nika was dribbling the ball up the court, before she passed it off to azzi. the team they were playing was currently croatian all-stars, and it was going in their favor so far. josie soon got the ball whenever the other team was focused on azzi, they completely ignored how josie was making her way towards them. the crowd erupted in cheers, which were mostly from paige, as josie went in for the three. nika ran up and grabbed josie's shoulders, yelling some sort of 'good job' in her face. she was nodding along, even though her eyes were on paige. the blonde was currently smiling at josie, nodding in approval. this would be the first season where they got to congratulate each other, or even just have the duo be coordinated with each other.

a few minutes later, geno called a timeout. as they ran in to huddle, paige got up and put her arm around josie's shoulder. she was listening to what coach was saying, while trying to catch her breath. paige started playing with the ends of josie's braids, scanning her eyes around the team surrounding her. paige missed playing with her girls so much, she couldn't wait for the real season to come around. geno decided to sub one of the girls in for josie, since she had been playing for the entire game. "great hustle out there phillips, i'll give you until after half to go back in." she nodded, looking down at her feet. "you okay?" caroline asked, as she got up to be subbed in, "yeah, it's just my ankle again, i forgot my brace on the bus." josie let out a laugh, trying to show caroline that she was okay. "you left it at home, didn't you?" paige whispered, laughing whenever the brunette nodded.

as the buzzer went off for half time, the girls got up and ran back into the locker room. geno told them to keep up the good work, and to get a drink then he would go over the plans for the last two quarters. josie sighed, asking one of the athletic trainers if they could wrap her ankle. "i noticed you favoring your right ankle during the game, you know what that does josie." the trainer scolded, wrapping her left ankle tight. "i know, i know. i forgot my brace." she sighed again, feeling someone come up behind her. josie looked up, smiling at an angry nika. "jo, how many times did i remind you to pack it in your bag?" she glared down at the shorter girl, who was now putting her shoe back on. "literally way too many times. i don't know how she forgot it." paige answered, sensing that josie was getting upset.

geno came back in, telling them it was time for them to go back out and warmup. "you're good jos, shake it off."

"OKAY BUT I SERIOUSLY CAN'T BELIEVE YOU FELL OFF THE BUS." josie cackled, reminding azzi of her freshman year. "that was literally so embarrassing, i cried for like three days." they all started laughing again. it was paige, josie, azzi, and kk in a room. "that was the funniest thing ever. i wish we got that on video." paige laughed, taking down her hair. azzi put her head in her hands, still laughing remembering how it happened. "it was because josie made me carry like half of   her bags and refused to tie my shoe!" she looked over at the brunette, who was helping kk put oil in her hair. "hey! you offered to help me. i had it under control." she retorted, rubbing the oil into kk's head.

"you totally did not. you had like three backpacks, your suitcase, and a bunch of random crap." paige hopped in the conversation, remembering that day vividly. "oh whatever, you guys are just teaming against me." josie rolled her eyes, handing kk's stuff back to her. "totally, not like we are just telling the truth or anything." paige and azzi started laughing, before explaining to kk the entire story.

jazzie speaks !!

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jazzie speaks !!

hi guys😭😭😭 im on break so ill be active again!! school is definitely my first priority so im sorry for being so inactive

𝐈 𝐁𝐄𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐊 𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐌𝐄 ― PAIGE BUECKERS Where stories live. Discover now