Chapter 2

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Astraeus pov:

I am on my way to math class. Last night I fell asleep in my studio, while I was sketching. When I woke up, I realised that I'll be late to school. And now I am sprinting to the classroom and all of the sudden I feel that I tackle someone. A girl. She is about to fall, but I quickly reach for her and pull her to me so that her face hits my chest.

After a couple of seconds, I take a step back and look at the girl standing infront of me. She is so short and small. Her curly hair is chocolate brown and her eyes is some shade of green, I've never seen before.

She is really beautiful and cute in that school uniform.

"I-I am sorry..." she starts to apologies, but I interrupt her.

"You have nothing to apologies about about, I was the one who bumped into you and nearly tackled you to the floor. So my apologies Αγαπημένος." (Sweetheart)

Why did she apologize? And why is she so nervous?

She nods but at the same time she seems confused.

"Are you new here? I haven't seen you around before." I say because I want to keep talking to her and get to know her.

"It i-is my fi-irst day." she answers me, still stuttering.

She is so adoreable. I only watch her, not saying anything else. It seems to make her even more uncomfortable than she already is. Then she speaks again.

"I h-have to go to m-my class. I-I'm already l-late."

Then it hits me, I am also late to my class. Her presens made me forget it totally. 

"I'm also in this class and no worries I'll tell the teacher that you are new he'll understand and I get an excuse for being late too, Αγαπημένος." (Sweetheart)

We walk into the classroom and everbody watches us. I take a look at the last row where my brother and friends are sitting. They look from me to her and back at me. I can see confusion in their eyes.

I turn to the teacher and exlpain to him why we were late. Then I take my seat and when I hear her name my eyes widen. The new girl I bumped into is Callum Roberts daughter. He never showed his daughter anywhere. He is a very successful business man. Everbody begins chatting.

When the teacher tells her to take a seat, she looks around. As I look at Helion, it doesn't surprise me to see him waving at her. She starts moving towards the seat next to him. I am pretty sure that she thought I am Helion.

As she sits down, she mutters something to him, but she wrinkles her forehead when she looks up at him. It seems like she just realized that it isn't me. Next she turns her head towards me and the other guys. As soon as Helion speaks up, she turns her head back to him. I can see her blushing at what Helion said to her. He sees her blushing and chuckles slightly.


Later when class ends she quickly wanders out of the room. The others and me, make our way to our private room we have in school, because now we have a longer break before our next classes start. I open the door and switch on the lights.

I walk over to the fridge and grab myself an iced coffee.

"You want something to drink?" I ask the others.

"I'll take a coke." Emiliano says.

"Water for me." Dimitri tells me.

I wait for Helion to say something, but he doesn't. I glance over at him. He lies on the couch and looks at the ceiling with dreamy eyes.

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