Chapter 17

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Arabella POV.

Astraeos takes one of my hands gently in one of his. He leads me out of the room, but he walks past the stairs we came up here. 

"A-aren't we going b-back to the others?" I ask him.

"We are." was the only thing Astraeos answers.

He led me through a long hallway, which, just like everything else in the Mansion, looked very fancy. On the wall were many beautiful paintings, some of Emiliano and the others and some landscapes. I was so busy looking around that I didn't even notice that Astraeos stopped walking, and I walked into him. I heard him chuckle as I stepped back and mumbled a sorry.

"You don't need to apologize, Αγαπημένος. We're here." he says. (Sweetheart)

I look at him a little confused; we were still in the hallway. He must have noticed that I was confused because he then nodded in the direction of a door. 

"Come on, the others are already waiting for us." He opened the door and let me slip inside, he followed after me and closed the door.

I glance around the room and notice that the floor is made of glass. I could see the whole party from up here. People were drinking, dancing and laughing. I move my eyes away from the glass floor and I can see that in the middle of the room is a huge sofa, where Helios, Dimitri and Emiliano sat, though they haven't noticed us yet, and at the other end is a mini bar. 

Astraeos starts walking towards his friends, and after a few seconds, I walk after him. He sat down next to Helios and I took a seat between Dimitri and Emiliano.

"There you are, you two were gone for a while. We started to get worried." Helios starts talking
   "Nothing to worry about, brother." Astraeos says, giving Helios a smile.

"W-why are w-we here a-and not d-down there?" I ask. 

"We thought you would like a place that is a little less loud, since you don't like crowds very much." Emiliano says, taking a sip from his drink. 

"Y-you didn't h-have to d-do that, you s-should be d-down there. I-It's your p-Party, you s-should be d-down there. I d-don't want t-to Keep y-you from having f-fun." I ramble.

"It's fine; I can have as many parties as I want, and the other reason why we are here is that we thought it would be funny to play a little game." Emiliano explains.

"W-What game?" I ask him.

"Truth or dare. What do you say?" This time, it was Helios talking with a smile his face.

"Okay" I agree. Why not? I think to myself.

"Great. Then let's begin. I will start."Helios says, clapping his hands together. "So dear twin, ..." He turn his eyes towards Astraeos." Truth or dare?" 


"You are soooo boring. Why couldn't choose Dare. I had such a great idea."

"Well, the game is called Truth or dare, that means I can choose." 

"" His face changes into a wide grin, " What  is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happenedd to you?"

"You already know that, and you promised me to never ever tell ito someonene." Astraeos says, he seems very annoyed. 

"Well, twiny, I guess you should have chosen Dare and technically, it's not me who is going to tell that moment." Helios grins at him. 

"I hate you and stop calling me twiny"

"I love you too, twiny. And tell us now."

" time, when I was younger. I had swimming lessons with our class and everyone jumped into the water, I...I also jumped into the water, but then I started to panic.....because I forgot that I couldn't swim and Helios had to save me." (A/N: sadly, this is based on a true Story. I survived, but the memories of this accident still haunt me, but at the same time I think it was also a Little bit funny when I look back at it )

"Oh my god, How can you forget that you couldn't swim?" Emiliano burst out into laughing, Dimitri laughs as well and I only chuckle.

"I don't know, I was young" he says with his cheeks all red. 

"He was 8." 

"That is still Young. Let's stop talking about it. Dimitri truth or dare?" Astraeos asks, changing the topic.

"hmm...dare" I thought he would choose Truth like Astraeos, but on the other hand he isn't the most talk active.

"I think you should loosen up a Little, so drink a full glass of Vodka in one sip." he prepares a glasss of vodka and gives it to Dimitri.

"I may don't drink often, but I am still Russian." he says and Drinks his drink in one Long sip. He then turns to me.

"Arabella, Truth or Dare?" 

"Truth" I say. 

"Who of us four, do you like the most?" 

"I-I don't k-know." I like all of them I can't choose one of them and I don't want any of them getting sad.

"Come on one of us has to be your favorite."


"I don't want to influence your choice, but first of all I am gorgeous. Second of all I am defintly the nicest one here and third of all I have a dog which you really love. Just saying." Helios says and makes me chuckle. 

"I am as handsome as you because we literally look alike and I am also nice and Apollo is our dog, not only yours." Astraeos tells him. 

"I r-really can't c-choose, so I-I say Apollo" 

"I said of the four of us." Dimitri says

"You like our dog more than us, I am hurt, πολυαγαπημένος".(Darling) Helios pouts, putting his hand on his heart. Emiliano just sits there quietly.

We countine a few rounds and right now it's my turn again. I chose dare, and I immediatly regreted it when Emiliano told me what to do.

"Kiss one of us." I gulp and look nervous at all of them.

"It's only a game, come on." A slightly drunk Helios said. 

I don't know why. Maybe it is because he helped me treating my wounds earlier, but I decided to kiss him. I slowly walk to him. He looks at me.

"I-is it o-okay with y-you?" I ask him. 

He only nods. I move my face to his until both out faces were only a few inches apart. I could smell his cologne and felt his hot breath on my cheeks. After a few seconds of looking into each others eyes, I moved my lips on his. I didn't really know what to do. This was my first kiss. I was having my first kiss with one of my friends, who I all like, because of a dare. At first he didn't moved his lips but soon he also began to kiss me. I felt all hot and it felt so good, I want it not to stop. Some time later, we parted out lips. I got back onto my place of the sofa and looked down. I am sure my cheeks was fire red.

" okay?" Dimitri asks.

"Y-ye..." before I could answer, my phone rang.

I looked at it, it was my Dad. My furr my brows, why was he calling me? That's when I noticed it was already 01:10 a.m.

"I-I have to g-go home n-now." I say panicked.

" late is it?" Dimitri asks. I Show him the time on my phone.

"ебать." (Fuck)

"I can't drive you, I drank something. but my driver will drive us home. Come on." He stands up. I tell the others a quick bye. We walk out of the house, on the way he calls his driver. And when we reach the gate, a car is already waiting for us. He helps me inside and sits next to me. When we start driving, Dimitri turns to me.

"I am so sorry,. I forgot the time. I should have paid more attention, малышка." (babygirl)

"I-It's fine. I a-also should h-have payed a-atention to t-the time." i say. Then I text my dad that will be home in 15 minutes and that I am fine. He reads it but doesn't answer. He must be mad. 


A/N: Thanks for reading. Have a great day.. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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