Chapter 7: Burst of Strength

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Kira's POV
So Kori and I both had weird dreams regarding wendigos, huh.....I don't think that's a coincidence.

Since yesterday, after talking to Kori, I've been observing Neon more closely lately.

I've noticed she tries to eat, but can't. Whenever she tries to eat something, she always makes a face like whatever it was has a pungent order, even if it doesn't. I'll even offer to finish whatever food it was for her while avoiding the parts she tried eating, and whenever I ate her food, I found the food tasting normal to me.

Neon and I were walking to school today. English again, but we also had gym class later.

Somehow, I noticed Neon seemed faster than usual. Usually she was a little slower than me or right next to me, but today, I was the one trailing behind her.

"Kira, is it just me, or are you moving slower today?" Neon asked, stopping in front of me and turning to look at me. I shook my head.

"It's not just you, Neon." I responded, trying to walk quickly and making it to the left side of her shortly after.

"Guess I really wanna make it on time. Come on, Kira!" Neon said, running ahead of me and waving, then turned back around ahead of her to see where she was going.

"Yeah, I guess you do."
We walked through the school doors, Neon still ahead of me like she was for most of the way here. It's nice to see her energized, don't get me wrong, but it does worry me a little.

And yes, she beat me to class.

She sat down in her seat as I sat down in mine. She smiled at me and began to speak.

"Let's see if I can mimic Yuki's voice!" She said, then cleared her throat and shifted in her seat.

"Hey, Kira. You have nice muscles." She said, smirking, her voice coming out low. No mistake. It was definitely Yuki's voice.

"Dude, you sound just like him!" I said, followed by laughter.

"I'm surprised you two haven't dated by now."

I shook my head, a small laugh coming from my throat.

"Kira, what's the little laugh about?" I heard a voice from behind my desk. Turning around, I saw it was Yuki. When did he get there?

"When did you get here?"

"Just now."

"Oh, uh, I was laughing at something funny Neon said. She mimicked your voice perfectly." I responded to his earlier question as Yuki sat down in his seat.

"I see. What'd she say?"

"Uh...." I started, my face growing slightly red.

"I said I was surprised you two haven't dated yet." Neon said, finishing whatever I could've said for me. This made Yuki laugh.

"I am too!"

"WHAT?!" I yelled, and then I doubled over in my seat, laughing, my face even redder, and this time I couldn't tell if it was from him, his response, or both.

"I didn't think you'd say that!" Said Neon. Even she was laughing now, and I don't blame her.

After some more minutes of that, we eventually stopped laughing. Fine with me anyway since I could barely breathe.

"So, you still got it?" Yuki asked Neon, referring to the voice thing.

"Still got it."

"Cool. What else can you do?"

Neon mimicked Shelby next. Too bad she goes to the same college as us, but at least we don't see her that often. She's in my P.E class with us. That's the only class I have her in.

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