Chapter 13: Craving

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Neon's POV
I instantly froze, looking behind me as my shirt fell over my torso. Kira looked at me, her mouth slightly ajar.

".....I knew it." She said. Her voice sounded soft.

And I was sure I knew what she meant as well. She shook her head shortly after having said that.

"Time to do more research." I heard her mutter as she closed the door behind her. I watched as my door was shut.

My eyes flitted over to my bed. I was getting tired, and it was time to sleep anyway. What time is it now? 10 PM? Whatever time it was, I had school tomorrow. Both classes.

Turning off my light, I got into bed. I don't even know when I fell asleep, but I did.
"What? What happened?" I asked, looking down at my hands. Dark red blood surrounded them and dripped off from my fingers, dropping onto the gray floor at my feet.

I looked up from the floor and looked around me. First thing I noticed was a gray void was all that surrounded me. Second thing I noticed was six people beginning to materialize in front of me. When the materialization cleared, I saw my family and friends.

Kira. Yuki. Kori. Himeko. Even Akane and Ayame. Yes, they were all here. I'm not particularly close with Akane or Ayame, but I do like them.

Ayame....she reminds me of my Mother, or at least what I can remember of her. I think I even told her that once, too. Maybe that's why she's here.

I saw a bloody body lying in front of Kira's feet. I couldn't tell who the body looked like.

"What have you done, Neon?" Yuki said.

" killed someone, Neon!" Said Kira.

I looked at Himeko, who sighed and shook her head.

"I guess this means I've failed your parents. I only wonder what they're saying now."

Now it was time to look at the Kazumi's. What was Kori gonna say?

"Neon, we could've helped you....but I guess that's on us for trying to figure everything out first." Was what he said. Something inside me hurt when he said that.

"I didn't know a pretty girl like you would do this...." Came Akane's response. Ah, that's right, she's always thought I was pretty.

I'm sorry, Akane. There's no way she'd use that word to refer to me ever again. I looked at Ayame, who gave me a look of sadness. Her eyes drooped as she walked closer to me, wringing her hands in front of her stomach as she did so.

"Neon....we have no choice but to kill you now."

I turned my eyes from Ayame and looked at the dead body at Kira's feet. I walked closer to it, trying to see if I could determine who it was or could be, but a huge gash stretched between the chest to the stomach. I couldn't tell if the person was male or female. Looking closer, the face wasn't angular, and the hair was brown, but short. Only person I knew with short brown hair was Kori.

Of course there are other kids in school with short brown hair, but none that I knew personally. Only kids I've seen walking around the college campus.

I didn't know what it was, but as I got closer to the body, something compelled me to get even closer to it.

I got on one knee, looking over the body again as I did so. I heard everyone around me screaming at me, telling me to stop what I was doing, yet somehow as I leaned closer to the body, I drowned out their voices. The screams of my friends became nothing more than faint shouts as I leaned closer to the gaping bloody hole in front of me, their bodies fading from my view.

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