chapter 22

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Both of us walked in silence, a few feet separating us. I couldn't think; couldn't come to terms with what had just happened. How much of it was real? How much of it was an illusion? The pain... it felt real to me. Still, it echoed through my muscles like a distant ache. I let out a sigh just as we emerged into another room.

My eyes locked with the crystal ball cradled by two carved stone hands protruding from a raised area of the cave. Moonlight blanketed the perfectly rounded ball glistening with bottomless magic. I could practically taste it in the air, feel a distant hum calling for me. The crystal belonged to the Kingdom of Faerie but I still had royal blood. It was calling to me. I froze when the rest of the room came into focus. Hanging from the ceiling was countless voodoo dolls dangling from their necks. There had to be some kind of trap.

Above the crystal smeared onto the wall in blood were the words, "The truth will set you free." I just wanted to get the crystal and get out. Time slowed to a halt just as a glowing figure strolled into the cave. Revealing himself from the otherworldly ball of light was Blix. His milky white eyes blinked into focus, his long blonde hair in loose waves over his broad shoulders. He was neatly dressed in light grey tones.

"Alas, the show has finally gotten interesting," he smirked deviously.

Death Bringer bristled. "Blix... Quite the obstacle course for an object next to useless for you."

Blix looked like a cat that might pounce at any moment as he strolled toward Death Bringer. I stepped closer, close enough to shield him in some way if need be. Blix cocked his head to the side and raised a brow.

"This place is spelled so that there is only one way out," Blix looked relaxed and unamused as he examined his fingernails, "You'll find what you need in your front pockets."

My hand shot to my pocket, a small vial finding its way into my fingers. I pulled it out and held it up to the light, a sparkling purple liquid sloshing around inside.

Death Bringer sighed. "Truth serum."

I swallowed hard, anxiety plaguing me.

Blix only nodded as stone rose from below him, forming a perfect chair for him to sit on. He casually crossed his legs and brought a hand up to rest his chin on. With the flick of his fingers, two more lower chairs materialized. I hesitantly took a seat, dread building in my stomach. What else could we do?

"Drink," Blix yawned.

I cursed under my breath before downing the thick liquid. It fizzed down my throat, my shoulders shivering with the shake of my head. Death Bringer clenched his jaw before downing the liquid. He tilted his head back, his hair falling from his face. He looked completely different than when I had first seen him. I felt like I was having deja vu.

"Splendid. Let's spice things up, shall we?" Blix folded his hands together in anticipation. "Let's start with you, Death Bringer," Blix mocked.

I narrowed my eyes, desperate to know his true name.

"Why does the girl still cease to know who you are?" Blix dove right in.

Death Bringer tensed, "Please..." I could see his every muscle fighting the serum.

Blix sighed dramatically, "I am not asking you to reveal who you are. I just simply asked why you haven't."

Death Bringer gripped the edges of his seat. "I want her to choose me on her own."

"Do you think she will?" Blix flashed rows of flawless teeth.


I stared aimlessly ahead at the crystal still beckoning me. There's no way the truth serum could be that terrible. Soon we would be on our way out with the crystal in hand, ready for war.

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