chapter 40

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Prowling through the darkness, merging with the shadows like a wraith, I found the trail of fallen guards Onyx must've left in her wake. In the distance, the battle raged on with shouts and clanging of metal. Bodies were scattered about the streets, entrails splattered across the cobbled paths. Unsheathing a sword from one of the bodies, I tossed it back and forth between my hands to get familiar with its weight. Knives were too intimate, too short for the job. I needed a quick, clean cut. I was going for Queen Hastings first. I'd save the best for last. The King of Faerie would know I was coming for him. I'd take delight in his fear once I tossed him his wife's severed head.

Scaling the castle walls, I hoisted myself over the edge and dropped down into a grove of trees. Sauntering through the thicket, I weaved through jutting branches. The castle grounds were quiet and empty, save for the occasional corpse of a guard. Onyx was a badass. I would have to remember to express my admiration of her handiwork when I saw her again... and I would see her again. I would survive this. We all would. I was sure of it.

I ignored the tugging in my gut, the string summoning me to wherever Prince Hastings was being held would have to be blocked out for this. Focusing all of my intention on the task of killing ahead, a lethal sense of calmness washed over me and relieved the heaviness in my bones. I would have their heads for what they did to him. Vengeance would finally be mine.

I tossed my sword onto the ledge above. Jumping upward with all of my momentum, I grappled my fingers onto the ledge of the lowest section of roofing and hoisted myself up. Replaying the memories of this castle over and over in my head, I tried to decipher which window would be most effective to slip into. I was leaping across sections of roofing, making my way upward slowly but surely. Rain pelted my skin and soaked into my heavy cloak, storm clouds swirling above as lightning struck around me. My boots never faltered as I scaled the building with a practiced efficiency.

The window to the throne room was effortless enough to find, easily picked out amongst the rest of the windows by the royal curtains. Peering through the glass, I was grateful for the thunder masking any noise I might've made to get here. The storm raged on as my eyes laid upon the king and queen, each of their heads held high and poised elegantly atop their thrones. Target acquired.

I quietly crept into a nearby window to a different room, slipping into the castle with a stealthy grace. I found a flickering candle and smiled to myself. Without a second thought, I plucked the candle off of the elegant candelabra into my fingers and gracefully spun toward curtains blowing in the breeze. They caught flame in an instant, the material engulfing in a crackling fire. Twirling around as if in a choreographed dance, I dragged the flame against everything that looked flammable. Couches. Bedsheets. Rugs. Wooden chairs. Books. Anything and everything. I poked my head out of the doorway to find empty hallways. It wasn't long before I was dancing through each empty room and setting it aflame. The fire was spreading rapidly, tendrils of smoke curling into the hall from each doorway.

Their voices sounded from down the hall, frantically announcing the strange smell of smoke. The queen was the first to step into the hallway, the king still fumbling with something in the throne room. The corridors were painfully familiar with flames crawling up the walls, flashing me back to the vision I saw of Grimm's escape. Queen Hastings eyes widened as she saw me standing in the middle of the hallway, flames dancing wickedly around me and sword gleaming in hand. Her eyes were vibrant blue, more striking than I ever recalled them to be. Familiar and beautiful despite her harsh bone structure. Dark brown hair hung around her hips, her attire elegant and pristine with a fluffy golden fabric gown.

Her posture went rigid as she extended a hand, her eyebrows furrowed in anger. Blinding light seared toward me, scorching the area I once stood as I narrowly avoided her magic with a tuck and roll. Over and over again, I dodged her strikes and blows. Over and over again, I avoided her attempts on my life. She was trying to incinerate me, only feeding the fire further. The heat was scorching my skin, sweat beading out of every pore as I neared her. Ten feet turned into five and five feet turned into two before my blade swiped through the air. I missed her by a hair, slicing into her puffy gown instead as she dodged my attack. A searing pain burned into my arm as her magic struck me. I gritted my teeth and yanked my charred flesh from out of her way, angrily shrieking as I swung the blade through the air once more. Blood sprayed my face. Magic puffed into the air before disintegrating into the floor. Her head bounced across an antique rug, her crown clattering with it.

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