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"What are you doing?!" Amal flinched at the angry shout of the women, she hadn't seen her before. The woman glared at her with burning eyes, similar to the emotion that is always present in Khizr's gaze. The woman was young, around Amal's age or maybe slightly older?

"What happened?" Khizr asked in a relatively calm voice as he entered the room. His gaze landed on Amal who had the landline in her hand, he still stood in his place, calmly. Amal froze in her place in shock, hearing his voice sent shivers of fear down her spine.

“Kinza, leave” Khizr spoke, his voice low but Amal could notice the anger hidden behind it. Amal's heart started pumping harder as fear rose in her body in fear, her breathing started becoming heavy.

“But, bhai” Kinza glared at Amal as she raised her gaze and glanced at her brother, who raised his eyebrows in response. Kinza knew better than to anger him so she stopped in her words..There was no hint of  anger on his face, she noticed before looking at the women again in exasperation.

‘Has this whore managed to seduce my brother already’ Kinza thought, glaring at the women.

Kinza left the room, shutting the door with extreme force. Amal flinched at the noise, she raised her eyes to look at Khizr who, surprisingly, was staring at her in a calm manner.Amal knew better, she knew this was the calm before the thunder.

“Amal, Who is that? Amal?”Amal heard Shabir's voice through the phone, she was about to cut the call when Khizr took the phone from her hand.

“No, Please” Amal tried grabbing the phone from his hand, she was scared he would harm Shabir. Khizr was taken aback by her retaliation for a second before he pushed her, making her fall on her back on the sofa.

“Amal? What happened?”Khizr heard an unfamiliar male voice, curiosity took the best of him as multiple possibilities of the man's identity came to his mind.Was she trying to seek help from her lover? Khizr smirked at the thought, he didn't know she was this stupid. He knew it wasn't her father, he remembers his voice well.

“Nothing, what could possibly happen to her when she's with her husband?”Khizr answered.

“Husband?”Khizr heard the shock in his voice, so she hasn't had enough time to get to that? He thought as he stared at Amal who stood, a few steps away. He could clearly notice her fear, she was shivering in fear  as if he made her stand outside in the cold with minimal clothing on cold winter nights.

Khizr smirked at the idea, maybe he could put the cold storeroom to a use?

“You don't know? We just got our Nikah done.” he questioned the man.

“Who are you?” Khizr chuckled a little at his question, this man knew him. He could tell from the change in his tone, that this man had a rough idea of who he was talking to.

“Khizr” He introduced himself, he could hear the hitch in his breathing.

“Don't do this, Khizr. She doesn't have anything to do with this.” Khizr chuckled at his pleading,staring at Amal who still stared at the floor.

“I'll be the judge of that. Let us spend our wedding night peacefully now, we've already had so many interruptions.”Khizr smirked, blood drained out of her body at hsi words as tears made her way down her cheeks.

‘How can I be so stupid’ Amal cursed her stupidity. She felt like she had just put herself in the lion's den. Maybe if she hadn't been stupid and actually waited for the right time, she wouldn't have to face the humiliation she was about to go through. A series of what ifs came to her mind, it only made her feel worse.

She tried to console herself to stop crying, she didn't want to give him any pleasure from her tears. She did not want him to think she was an easy target, she would not give in to him. No matter how much he tortures her.

“You are a rebellious one, aren't you?” He said as he walk closer to her, Amal moved a step back to maintain  the distance between them as she reached her hand to her cheek to wipe her tear. “You took it from your father, didn't you?” Khizr said, walking close to her.

“Stay away” Amal spoke as she felt the sofa behind her, finding no where to go.

“Why?” Khizr reached his arm behind her waist, pulling her closer. He raised his hand, pushing a a strand of her hair behind her ear.


Disgust was a small word to describe her feelings. She hated his touch, she was starting to feel disgusted by herself because of his touch. Amal pushed his hand away, disgust and irritability clearly displayed on her face.

Amal felt her breathing get restricted as his hands neared her throat. Amal tried to push him away from her as small ragged breath left her throat because of the limited air supply.Amal felt his fingers tighten the grip on her throat causing her face to lose it's colour, leading her to try kick him with the minimal force left in her. However it was no avail as the man overpowered her.Khizr smirked at her state before speaking, “What happened? Did my touch not please you?”

Amal tapped his hand that was pressing its authority on her throat, trying to get him to loosen his grip but it didn't help whatsoever. His grip was too tight to escape, Amal left her lungs ache at the lack of oxygen reaching it.

“I know women like you, the kind that pretend to be innocent but their actions are no less than a prostitute.You serve rich men to get your father his business deals, right? Why do you wear that Niqab? To feed their fetishes and attract them?” Khizr uttered bitterly, tightening his grip at her throat in anger. Amal felt her vision blur out as she started seeing black spots all over her vision, before she completely blacked out.


Amal opened her eyes at the discomfort when she felt pins prickling the back of her head.There was only darknes infront of her, Amal was confused as she stared around. Pitch black. Was she having a nightmare?  Where did he leave her?

Placing her face to one side to stop the prickling feeling, She cuddled her legs closer to her chest as she felt a wave of cold touch her body. Amal felt tiny particles of something on her face, perhaps dust?The icy floor made it difficult for her to withstand the brisk weather, and she shivered in her spot.

The unidentified particles approached her nose, she sneezed and realised they were infact dust.Amal was starting to feel breathless because of the the contaminated air, She was allergic to dust and whenever she came in contact, she would always feel breathless along with the continuous series of sneezes and sore throat and much more. She began to sneeze repeatedly, one after the other, as she was losing all physical strength. Sitting up, she brushed her cheeks to remove the particles while searching about for a way out.

To her misfortune, it was too dark around the room to find a a way out. What is happening?

Amal hated getting allergic reactions, it would give her symptoms that last for months. She hated being sick.

After a few period of sitting, she brought her knees closer to her chest, folded her hands over them, and then rested her face on them. She was unable to understand the current time and was perplexed by the entire circumstance. She was the happiest she had ever been only yesterday, and he made the decision to spoil her happiness. Why her, she wondered to herself.

She tried not to overthink the situation in question, but she couldn't help but think what did she do to deserve this? She felt like she was going to die from the sorrow in her heart? The absurd thing is that she doesn't even know why her husband is attempting to avenge her—he's an abusive man who is out for obtaining vengeance.

She has been mistreated and abandoned her entire life, and it seems as though these two emotions would follow her into her grave.

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