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Amal entered the room quietly, looking around the room before her gaze landed on the silhouette of the man swiftly going through the paperwork.Amal walked to the table and stood there, not knowing whether to sit down or would that make him throw a rage fit . At last, she chose to stick to the first.

“Betho” One word and she sat down immediately. Amal was embarrassed at herself upon realising how desperately and obediently she reacted to his words, but she couldn't afford him to be in a bad mood.

[sit down]

Khizr put his pen down and stared at the women in front of him, the blood of the man he despised. Khizr was not aware of how to interact with her.

She was tied to him by two relations, enmity and marriage.

Though he knew the latter held more importance, he had responsibilities over her. She had rights that he,willingly, agreed to fulfil when he signed the contract.

But he also knew he was in this for one thing, and one thing only.


He won't be at peace until he knows that Farooq Shah is suffering. He wanted him to wither in pain and suffocate until he took his last breath, and he would suffocate him to the point where Farooq Shah would wish death upon himself!

But, Farooq Shah will only get death when he is satisfied with the tortures he has inflicted on him. He has already planned and is in the process of reaching that anticipated moment!

Amal stole a few glances at him when she felt his intense gaze at her, and each time it was a glare filled with determination and wrath. It reminded her of the day she was abducted, this was the rage he held in his eyes for her. However for the past few weeks, she had not encountered this gaze and neither did she want to encounter it.Even Though she was frightened by his gaze, she still wanted to break the silence and get out of here quickly.

“Meine,” He hadn't realised that he was glaring at her until her voice touched his ears, turning his glare into a frown as he listened to her words. Amal was taken aback for a second when she looked up from her lap to find him staring at her with a frown.

‘Better than a glare, Atleast’ she thought to herself.

Amal found herself unable to form words out of fear. She felt pathetic.

“Do you know why I called you here?” Khizr questioned once he realised she wasn't going to speak up. Amal shook her head in denial, not aware of what he wanted.

“Words.” He uttered, staring at her. Amal wanted the ground to split open and swallow her, the pitch quiet dark atmosphere was intimidating her enough and his presence was adding to it.

“I don't know” Amal spoke out, looking up from her lap as her gaze fell on the man. “Maybe, maybe the conditions.” Amal tried to remind him about their encounter a few weeks back, where he planned on asking her about her conditions but never ended up asking.

‘Maybe by bringing that topic up, I can ask him for divorce ’Amal thought to herself, she felt her heartbeat increase as fear started rising in her a little.She feared his reaction, Khuzr was unpredictable. She was scared this might anger him, knowing it will significantly reduce her chances of leaving this golden cage.


Khizr frowned at her words before their encounter played in his mind. “Aha, not quite. I changed my mind, those aren't mere conditions anymore but requirements.” Amal frowned at his words, how has he changed his mind already?

“Requirements?” Amal questioned, Khzir nodded as the sides of his lips curved into a cunning smirk.

“Yes, requirements.” He said and the last hope she had for divorce seemed to be blurring out. Amal stared at her lap with a dejected look, not eanting Khizr to notice he hopelessness. No matter how much she tried hiding it, it didn't fail to be noticed by Khizr's sly eyes.

“Something tells me my dear wife has already planned her conditions.” Khizr spoke, gaining Amal's attention. She did not miss the malevolence he hid behind his words. “Let's listen to your conditions, dear wife.” The sarcasm was too hard to get unnoticed especially with the emphasis on his last words.

Amal sighed, and prepared herself for the worst.

“Divorce,” She said.

In less than a second, the room was filled with his laughter. His laugh echoed in the silent room, adding to the intimidating aura of the room.

Amal shifted in her seat in discomfort, wanting to leave as soon as possible. Somewhere in heart, she spoke too soon. She should've listened to his conditions, or requirements as he calls it, but it was too late to think about it now!

“I'm trying to make our marriage work, and you're asking for divorce?” Khizr asked, faking sadness.

‘Who is he  lying to? Does he  think I'm a gullible person who'd believe anything he says?’ Amal thought to herself as anger started building up inside of her.

“You're using me as a prawn in your revenge and you think after your games, this marriage will work out? This marriage can never work out!” Amal spoke firmly, trying not to lose her composure. Though she was scared, she knew she had to take a stand.

Amal expected a fit of anger following her but she was wrong.Instead, the man started to smirk a little. His silence terrified her more than his anger fits because it meant he was hiding a notorious plan. A plan he was confident in hence his patience.

Khizr got up from his chair, alerting Amal who started praying he doesn't cause her too much harm. She shifted more into her seat, when he took a seat on the chair next to her, to maintain their distance, hoping for a way out so she can get out of this uncomfortable situation.However, her hopes died as he dragged his chair closer to hers. Close enough, so close that their knees were almost touching.

Khizr slowly raised his hand towards her, but before his hand could touch her face, she dodged it by pushing him away. Amal tried to push herself into the chair to seek comfort, wishing it wasn't a barrier to her escape.

Disgust and repulse.

That was all she felt for him.

Khizr leaned back on his chair, Amal took a chance of this moment and pushed her chair away from him. Khizr noticed it but let it slide, placing his elbow on the table next to his chair and leaning on it. He stared at her for a few moments, making Amal more uncomfortable and distressed than before.

“I'm ready to fulfil your condition,” He spoke after a while.

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