Hello! Long Time No See!!!

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Yes it's me!

The guy who has promised things for this story many times and then failed to follow through on them!

I'm here again to make another promise, but this one I will actually follow through with.

I have decided to do a complete rework of this story, as I had already planned on, but it will now be a more drastic change.

I've recently decided that I want to completely rewatch the original series because I've heard a lot of good things about the new offshoots which I want to watch but don't want to watch without a full refresh of the main show in my mind. With that said, it means I've made the decision that this story will now follow the main series from season 1 since I'll be rewatching it all anyway.

I'm also going to slightly rework what I had always had the main intent of this story be, which was a heavy focus on Carl Grimes, Ryan Goldman, and their relationship. I had already opened up my stage from just the two of them to more heavily focus on Jasper as well, and had (and still have) a lot of really exciting plans for him. As I wrote this story originally, and then even when I was working on my first rewrite, I realized that I just wasn't all that happy with making the main focus be a couple of characters and relationships. The Walking Dead was always such an impressive show to me because it had so many interesting characters and gave them all so many interesting stories and interactions with each other, and I felt that by putting such a focus on what I was, I wasn't doing this show the justice it deserves.

This all leads me to the following points:

1. This story will not be single-focused anymore. My goal for it is going to be to have my OCs fully integrated into the TWD universe, if that makes sense. We'll get to see much more of each of the Goldman family members (and other OCs when/if they come into play) and their interactions, relationships, and etc. with the official characters from the show. They will all have their parts to play in the arcs we all know and love and/or hate from the show.

2. The story will almost entirely be written in the perspective of my OCs, there will be very little POV from the official characters. I want to focus on really fleshing out my own characters and their personalities, thoughts, feelings, etc. and feel that interrupting their POVs with characters from the show that we really already know how they act and think and what they believe would cause my characters to not be as well done as I would like.

3. Just like before, there are things that will change from the show and there are things that will remain the same. Just because a character dies in the show doesn't mean they'll die in my version of the story. Some may survive forever, and some may die at different times or in different ways. However, the vast majority of the story will follow the show.

4. I've decided that the story will no longer have a cast of people that "play" the characters because I feel like, at this point in my writing, I am talented enough to give descriptions of the characters appearance and truly make them unique as opposed to giving y'all a face to put to the name of the character. This will save me a lot of time trying to find face claims for my characters, therefore allowing me to have more time focused on making the story something I can be proud of.

5. Since I will no longer have a cast I will be remaking the cover of the story at some point soon, however I have not done that yet so for the time being it will remain as is.

I think that about sums up my plans for everything for this story at this time. I hope y'all are excited for this new step in the story of More Than Blood.

Thank y'all so much for all the support you've given me and my stories for all this time, even when I've been HORRIBLE at sticking to my promises.

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