Chapter 2

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][=][   Zhen Bryant's POV   ][=][

There isn't much left here... but at least we each got a couple of new sets of clothes, me from the boy's dresser and Zuri from what seemed to be the mother's. Other than the clothes, there were a bunch of useless keys to me since I didn't know what they unlocked and nothing else. Thankfully, it sheltered us after our community a few miles away got overrun.

I stood in the kitchen, searching through the cupboards and pantry to see if there was anything else we could use.

"Z-Zhen... wat-ter... please," my sister mumbled from the living room.

I swung my backpack off my shoulder and unzipped it, unveiling the minuscule amount of supplies inside. I grabbed one of the water bottles and went to the couch where she lay. I poured a little bit of the water on a small cloth I had found in the kitchen and placed it on her forehead, then drizzled some more water into her mouth through her partially open lips.

"Thanks, Z," she muttered quietly as she closed her eyes, "d-did you find... any meds?"

"No... this place has been pretty cleared out of everything."


I stared at her paling face, worry and fear flooding my head as I looked at her.

"Zuri, you need meds. There's only one place I can think of that might still have some," I stated firmly as I gripped her hand tightly. "I'm going to the hospital. It's not far, and it's our only hope."

"N-no... you can't," she said as she squeezed my hand back weakly, "t-too dangerous."

"Well, I can't let the stupid flu kill you in the middle of the end of the world. Then I'd be all alone, and you know I can't stand being alone."

She rolled her eyes at me and then squeezed my hand again.

"B-be... careful."

"I promise I will. I'll be back in a few hours."

She nodded slowly and then released my hand. I swung my backpack back over my shoulders and then went to the door, grabbing my axe off the coat hanger that I had hung it on, and then ran out the door, shutting it securely behind me and making my way down the road leading to Harrison Memorial Hospital.

][=][ Time Skip ][=][

"Hey, soul sister, I don't wanna miss a single thing you do tonight," I sang quietly to myself, coming to the end of my favorite song for the fifteenth time during this trip to the hospital.

I was close to the hospital now. Thankfully, I had only run into a few bodies so far and easily taken them down. As I approached the building, I found myself in an abandoned military site with helicopters and military jeeps. I looked around for a moment when something caught my eye. Someone wearing a hospital gown stumbled out of the stairwell. I instantly dropped to the ground and watched as the man tried to get his bearings and looked around at the hundreds of covered corpses surrounding him.

"Who the hell are you?"

I crawled under one of the jeeps and watched as the man crested the top of the hill where the military site sat. He looked around in confusion and walked through the site, heading in the direction I had come from. Once he had left my line of sight, I ran through the field of corpses and to the stairwell the man had come from. I reached into my backpack and withdrew a long flashlight, then clicked it on as I walked up the stairs to the next level and entered the hospital. The place was a disaster. I slowly made my way down the hallway, entering each room as I went and looking for anything to help Zuri recover as quickly as possible.

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