Chapter 3: Valley of the Mist

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"Sis...sis...Father...he..." Sa Minu shouted in between breaths. He was currently flying and if it were any ordinary day, he would have been quite excited and delighted.

"Sis...go...back..father..." His voice came out haltingly as the wind whipped his face. His sister may be used to flying but Sa Muni was not. He was having trouble breathing and the cutting wind made his eyes swim with tears. But more than the wind, intense worry rocked his heart.

"Sis....where...we going?" Sa Muni shouted at the top of his lungs. But Sa Meri remained silent. Sa Minu couldn't see but Sa Meri's eyes had a kind of fire in them, filled with determination and anger. Yet she also felt immense grief. She couldn't trust her voice right now and forced back her tears.

"Now is not the time..I must be strong." She muttered in a very low voice, the wind carrying it away from Sa Minu's ears.

Sa Minu struggled in Sa Meri's grasp but she only held tighter. Her hands had become thick and strong ending in thick talons which bound Sa Minu tightly, yet carefully without harming him. How could he compare with a level 3 spirit warrior's strength! All his struggles were useless.

The town quickly disappeared and they flew into the mountains. Sa Minu looked down and recognized many places he had visited before, including the clearing where he had been just this afternoon. Looking from up above was certainly a unique experience. If he were in the mood to enjoy it.

Sa Minu was sullen. Just a moment ago, they had decided to live and die together and now he was being carried away like some baby bird without even a chance to resist. Feeling helpless was also a very unique feeling. One, he found that he did not like at all!

Soon the familiar surroundings passed and they flew even deeper.

"I haven't come so deep before..." Sa Minu muttered.

"Minu, I am going to land now. It will be a bit rough so get ready!" Suddenly Sa Meri's voice came loud and clear.

Their flight angled down as Sa Meri glided to the ground. And as she landed, her wings disappeared. She ran on the ground unbalanced almost dropping Minu.

"Uff...sis.. you need to work on your landing." Sa Minu complained as he found his feet. And then he looked around.

"Where are we?"

"Huff...huff..somewhere deep in the mountains. I have never been so deep before, so I don't know. Be careful!" Sa Meri said while panting. She sat on the ground hugging herself.

"Sis..are you alright?" Minu panicked as he noticed her.

"Yes, I am ok. Just a little exhausted." She sighed. And then her eyes filled with tears. "Oh Father! Please be ok!"

Hearing that, Sa Minu also felt tears in his eyes. He hugged Sa Meri and they both cried on each other's shoulders.

Back at the family home, Sa Ban was having the fight of his life. If he had been in his prime, it would still have been a tough fight. But now he was old and much more involved in the farming business. So he didn't get a chance to practice much. Even then, if it were simply normal soldiers he could have managed somehow.

But right now he was facing the Brown Bear.

Magical creatures often change colors as they rise up in cultivation levels but there are variations depending on talent and type. The Brown Bear represented the lowest tier in the magical Bear family and was a level 2 magical beast. The Brown Wolf on the other hand, is a level 1 magical beast and also the lowest tier in the magical Wolf family. As they would rise in cultivation level, their colors would also change. Their spirits had the same ability.

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