32 ~ Let the fun begin!

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Weekends are update days! You asked for it...How can your dear author deny it? *wink* So now don't deny her the privilege of seeing your reaction in whatever form you like. *Soo much love*

Happy reading!

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Author's POV

"I knew I was being drugged," Kabir revealed, making Meera have trouble breathing properly in anger. She clenched her fists tightly, and it took everything from her to calm down for the sake of her precious sleeping in her lap. All she could see was red. People were yet to understand what he meant, but just by his sentence Meera got that he knew the cause of his depression, but the question was why. Why the hell would he walk into the mouth of death knowingly?

"For you. I did it to have you back to me," Kabir answered, looking at her. He just knew his way inside out her heart. He knew what her blinded-by-the-urge-to-kill-him head must be thinking. She fumed, looking at him ready to pounce and kill him with her imaginary gun for being so blind in love to go to that extent. What if things went way more far than they already did? What if she lost him due to his urge to pull her back to him? Hadn't you almost lost him already the moment he started living in a box? A little voice in her head asked. She didn't know anything except that her husband was crazy. A complete nutjob. A jerk. And every damn word invented for a stupid person is what he deserved.

"Shut up! I swear I am gonna make you regret doing this," she threatened, as her eyes started to turn red with tears of anguish. Only she knew how hard she had tried to keep herself from giving up the moment she knew he was critically ill while he was making himself miserable knowingly. While he was busy giving himself pain to get her back to him she was dying to get him back to normal.

"I'd regret breathing but never choosing my princess above whatever my existence is made of" he immediately blurted out without a second thought while she closed her eyes and took alarmingly deep breaths trying to control herself from strangling her man for loving her so much.

While she shot daggers at him through her eyes, Aditya asked, "If the eye talks are done kindly, explain stuff in human format"

Meera quietly looked down at her daughter while Kabir said, looking straight at her, "Three doses of that detrimental drug are to be given to get it to the stage of depression where taking treatment becomes necessary to live. When the first was injected into my system, I had no idea what was wrong, but I could feel the impact. The moment I consumed the second dose of Veronica's drugs, I knew I was being doped. Knowing that my sudden gloominess accepting defeat from my life wasn't something I would choose over searching for my wife like the previous years. I sent the sample of my spiked juice left in the glass to the research center to find the purpose and the results were shocking. The doctor clearly told me that one more dose of the stimulant would lead to extreme harm. I had seen that the impact of the consumed doses was showing up as my family members started to grow worried. I knew if they realized my vulnerability, they would contact my wife. 

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