Epilogue I

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Happy 500k to OVOL! Congratulations my reader family and here's your gift! 

I know what I have written is going to be mostly insane but still I hope I have done justice to the tale.

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Author's POV

"How does he manage to fuck you up every time?" Kritika asked, sipping her chai, and looking at Meera's irritated face. Meera looked at her, annoyed, as her eyes roamed over the cup in Kritika's hands.

"On the bed. How else?" Meera deadpanned, remembering how he refused to let her sleep last night. The warm liquid from Kritika's mouth went flying out as she coughed hysterically at Meera's words. Rubbing her chest harshly, she tried to shake out of Meera's unbelievable words. Meera looked at her for a minute before getting back to the task of staring at the sparkling pavilion once again.

"I know friends share everything, but please spare me the bedroom stories. Kabir Bhai Sa is my rakhi brother now. It's pretty...you.. know," Kritika tried to elaborate through gestures while Meera made a face. Lightly smacking Kritika's head, Meera said, "The bed was wet—"

"Ew! Please, I can't hear more than this," Kritika said dramatically before being interrupted by a voice, "Exactly, you shouldn't, because only I have a lifetime exclusive subscription to my wife's rants. Access denied"

The eyes of both women shifted to the man dressed in a designer white Kurta with a yellow stole hanging around his neck looking like a piece custom-made from heaven for the female species to admire. Beware, ladies; he might look suave and debonair, but he is Meera Kabir Riachand's possession. Meera looked at her husband, bored, while he shook his head with a smile at her antics. Kritika, on the other hand, hid a smile, seeing Kabir lost in admiration for his woman, who, at the moment, looked no less than an annoyed kid in her printed night suit. She touched the wooden bench they were sitting on, muttering "Touch wood" to save the couple from evil eyes. She knew what love did to you, but she hadn't seen someone as crazy as Kabir and Meera. It felt as if they weren't in love. Love resided in them. Like they gave meaning to that word.

She nudged Meera, who was looking the other way, showing her anger at her husband, who simply smirked as he motioned Kritika to move away. He walked towards his wife and picked her up in his arms, making her shriek. Meera patted his chest harshly saying, "Stop being a rogue"

"If I can have you in my arms, I am better being a rogue than a gentleman" Kabir smiled down at his woman, who simply huffed in response. As if on cue, a group of men abruptly interrupted his charming-his-wife session as they coughed aloud, seeing Meera in Kabir's arms.

"You are cheesy, you know that, right?" Abhay asked Kabir with a smirk while he smirked back as he answered, "My wife loves cheese"

Abhay's smirk fell as he looked at Kabir with a frown. The quiet man for the past 7 years was better. At least he didn't roast me openly. Abhay thought.

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