Chapter 4

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As Kayley pulled up to the flashy mansion, I spotted lurid decorations glowing through expansive windows and heard the bass-thumping beat pulsing from within, even all the way down the sidewalk.

My nerves fluttered like caged birds, and I nervously smoothed my skirt for the hundredth time. Unable to delay the inevitable further, Kayley shut off the engine and flashed me a reassuring smile, winking layers of iridescent shadow bringing out her eyes.

"You know, we could just tell everyone your car broke down and go home to binge The Office instead," I joked weakly, earning an eye roll from her.

"Come on, it won't be that bad! A few drinks and you'll loosen up, have fun even," she cajoled, ever the optimist. Privately, I doubted it -
But there was no backing out now with Kayley's excitement so palpable. Steeling myself, I took a final fortifying breath and pushed open the door, wincing as the deafening volume hit me like a physical blow.

The swell of bodies in the entryway nearly swept us away like debris in a rushing river. Steadying myself against the current, I gripped Kayley's arm tightly as she surged ahead with determined enthusiasm.

Finally breaching the kitchen, she grabbed two cups and nimbly poured herself a tall vodka and sprite from the overrun punch bowl.

"Want one?" she offered, gesturing to the assortment of libations. I shook my head emphatically, the mere smell enough to turn my already roiling stomach.

"Maybe later, I'd rather keep a clear head for now," I half-lied. Truth be told, beyond a single regrettable incident years ago, partying wasn't really my scene. But I didn't want to dampen her mood either.

Kayley shrugged, tossing back half her drink in one go like water. "Suit yourself, but you're missing out! Loosen up, Em, live a little for once."

Easier said than done with my nerves still jangling like live wires. But for her sake, I smiled and nodded, scanning the loud chaos.

Just then, Kayley grabbed my hand with a mischievous grin and yanked me into the churning sea of sweaty bodies.

"Kayles, wait-" I began, but was cut off by the deafening beat reverberating through my core.

Leaning in to shout right by her ear, I asked "Whose party is this anyways?"

"Carson's!" she bellowed back, swaying her hips freely. Of course - he was one of the most popular seniors, after all.

I shot her my best deadpan look. "You know how I feel about him after homecoming..."

She waved me off giggling. "Live in the past, why don't you! Loosen up, girl, no one's looking at you like that."

Just then I felt a light tap on my shoulder. Whirling around, I came face to face with none other than Conner, grinning down at me with a solo cup in each hand.

My stomach dropped at the sight of him. Before I could protest, he extended one cup toward me.

"You look great tonight, Emma. Thought you might want to cut loose and dance," he added with a wink, nodding toward the pulsating bodies.

As if on cue, Kayley materialized with a fresh drink, throwing her arms around both our necks exuberantly. The room swayed slightly and I inwardly cursed my feeble constitution.

"I, um...I'm not really drinking tonight," I hedged, eyeing the suspicious clear liquid warily. A drink from him was surely asking for trouble.

But Conner refused to be deterred, pressing the cup persistently into my palm. "Just one? For me?"

With Kayley's beaming smile and his puppy-dog eyes, I doubted I had the strength to refuse two against one. Sending up a silent prayer, I reluctantly threw back the drink.

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