Part 7 - Happy Ending

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The next day, another message wakes me up, just like the one before.

"We need to talk, come to the cafe." It's the Hogan again.


"When you have a chance, please."

The politeness is a little surprising. Since I can choose to go to work in the afternoon, I figure I can meet them in the morning.

The cafe is exceptionally clean with light music just like before. I see Liam and Shawn sitting in the corner just like before.

Shawn even pulls a chair for me, making me nervous.

"Great job !" This is the first thing Liam says to me, unexpected.

What ? What did I do ? Oh, wait, maybe last night Cheryl actually wrote the whole chapter ? That's impossible. But hey, she's like a little devil, maybe she does have some awesome super-power in writing?

Oh, snap ! I cannot tell them those are not written by me, or they will find out that Rebecca wrote almost half of a chapter for me. Man, is hiring cancer patients to write books without paying a crime in NYC? I hope not. Anyway, Liam should never know about any of it, or he will break me in half with his bare hands. No, no, no. I have to find a way to cover it up. Shouldn't have come here in the first place...

When I look up, they are both smiling at me, giving me goosebumps.

Liam says, "The way you daydream is quite interesting. I saw lots of anxiety in it. Do you always frown like that? Oh, of course you don't know it yourself, but it's really ...uh... interesting."

Shawn also praises me, "I underestimated you, my friend. I had never thought that you could be this critical of yourself, almost to a level of hilarious. It makes your novel so much easier to read."

"Uh...Thank you... for the good words!?" I have no idea what he's talking about.

" I , myself have read quite some books in the past," Shawn continues, " But the way you describe a teenage girl's mind? Wow, just wow! You should get some rewards for that."

"Oh... You are so kind that..." I hesitate, "I don't even know what to say." It's true.

"Stop, don't be such a humble novelist any more." Shawn points to me, "I had never seen anyone that could change his writing style so dramatically, just to satisfy our request. We've both seen good potential with you, buddy. Keep it up. I have no doubt that one day your stories will be famous."

Shawn and Liam pat on my shoulders with warmth that can melt the sun. My face was stiff with a fake smile and an empty mind.

Finally I realize that I should flee ASAP. So I stand up and apologize, "Sorry that I have to go to work now. My boss won't be happy if I am late again."

"Ow that's too bad." Liam stands up too and shakes my hand gently, "We were thinking of treating you with a nice lunch with lobsters and steaks. You sure you don't want to stay longer?"

"That's really nice of you, but sorry that..." I have to lie, "big problems in the company. Need to fix it before the boss fires me."

"Well, if that's the case." Liam didn't let go of my hand, "Come and work for me. I have a construction company in upstate. I am sure we will need lots of IT consultant's help."

My face is getting hotter, "Thank you so much for the offer! But still I need to work for this one. Cannot just hang them dry."

Liam turns his face to Shawn, "See ? What did I say ? Not only this guy is a great writer, a computer genius, now he's loyal to a fault. You cannot easily find this kind of people in today's job market."

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