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Her grip on her sword tightens as she kept her guard up, looking out for the other military police that was after them.  Their priority was to keep Eren and Historia safe, but things took a difficult turn. Shizue launched herself in the air trying to secure the wagon while Levi dealt with Kenny. A military police appeared from behind that managed to meddle with her balance. 

Jean's eyes widened in disbelief. "Vice-captain!" 

Shizue clenched her teeth as shot her odm in the nearest wall and kicked the man's neck before finishing him off with her blade. "Go! I'll be right behind you!" 

The number of the officers rapidly increased, they were starting to overpower them. Her eyes caught sight of Jean and Armin who stood in the wagon with mp's guns pointed at them. Shizue managed to take down a female military and yanked her weapons away, letting herself fall and lands on the wagon. 

Without thinking twice, she shot the police that was holding them hostage including the other man in the air that was about to attack from behind.

It's been a few days since the soldiers lived with Shizue, and her life has gone through a drastic change since then. She didn't know how Hanji knew the others, but somehow them and Levi had joined forces into bettering her way of living. They also took them out from time to time and explored the foreign land.

The strawberry-blonde lights her cigarette as she went to the veranda and was startled to see Levi sitting there before her. He had his legs crossed while leaning to his chair and, holding his tea in a very peculiar way. 

Levi's gaze were grim the moment he saw Shizue's breakfast cigarette, that's what she liked to call it. "Didn't I tell you to eat first at least?"

Shizue tries coming up with excuses. "We ran out of food."

Levi pulls a plate in front of him and removes the plate that was covering it. She didn't notice that there was also a cup of coffee prepared on the small table that she only used to put ash tray on.

"Nice try. Eat." He ordered.

It didn't take him that long to figure out how Shizue's day always goes. Every morning at exact seven she'll grab a cup of coffee and her cigarettes and head to the veranda. At lunch she eats a slice of cake, and goes to bed at ten. Then at two in the morning, goes out, and have another cigarette.  

"Fine." She scowled, handing Levi her cigarette in hopes to keep it safe until she finish eating but he only puts it out, and threw it in the trash. 

"Don't waste it!"

"Do you by any chance have a death wish or something?" He questions while Shizue continued to hurry to finish her breakfast. She took a gulp of coffee then answered.


Levi shook his head in defeat. "You're so stubborn."

"Why do you even care Levi?" She mumbles before taking another bite. He shot his eyes at her, that question really caught him off-guard. It didn't seem like Shizue was trying to be rude or anything, she was just  really curious.

"You berate me into eating meals, limit my smoking, and yesterday you forced me to take a bath."

"That's because you stink."

Shizue puts her fork down. "Insults aside, what is it really?" 

Levi could only sigh, he tried to suppress his feelings before, he lied constantly. But he did promise himself that no matter what happened in this world, there's no way he's repeating the same mistake again.

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