C H A P T E R 9

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After training camp was over, you returned to France, dedicating the rest of your summer to learning English and spending quality time with your family and friends, as well as practicing basketball.

Currently, you were laying on your bed, scrolling through your phone before you got a text from an unknown number. Confused, you opened the notification, curious to see who it was.

Unknown number:

Hey Jada

It's Trey btw


Oh hey

Annoyance bubbled up through you, how did he even get your number? You reluctantly gave him a contact name before he texted again.


Ik things r kinda awkward wit us after what happened but maybe we could still talk?


Um I don't really think so, sorry.


Why not?


I don't really like you, and I'm sorry if I made you think that, but it wouldn't be right to lead you on. Plus you kinda freaked me out when I was trying to leave.


I'm sry I just like you so much

You suddenly felt a little bad for him, but you knew that you couldn't pity him, and that you had the right to be upset, so you tried to remain your composure and be as affirmative as possible.


Look I'm really sorry but nothing else is gonna happen between us.


You're a bitch


Excuse me?

No matter how upset he was, he certainly had no right to call you that.


Fuck you

You scoffed to yourself, and deciding you were done with this conversation, you quickly blocked his number, setting your phone down and sighing heavily. 

You stared up at your ceiling, at a loss for what to do. It was about 9pm and you had just had dinner with your family, and boredom was filling up the decorated walls of your lofted room. You rolled over on your stomach, resting your chin on your folded hands, looking out at the view from your window. It was the perfect example of Parisian scenery, it being none of your favorite things about your room.

Rolling back over onto you back and laying your head on your pillow, you bit your lip, getting an idea and reaching for your phone. Opening Instagram, you hesitantly typed 'Paige Bueckers' in the search bar, clicking on her profile once it came up. Scrolling through her page, you pretty much stalked her for at least an hour. You were looking at photos from 2016 when you accidentally double tapped the screen, hearting the picture.

You threw you phone across the room, your hand coming to cover your mouth as you internally screamed. This could seriously not be happening right now. Getting up from your bed, you began to pace the room, wringing your hands as you did so. 

A few minutes later you had gathered yourself enough to pick up your phone with shaky hands, being greeted with a surprising notification. 'Paige Bueckers liked your post'  You clicked on it, being taken to a photo you posted in 2015. Butterflies erupted in your stomach, and you smiled to yourself as you followed her, waiting for her to do the same. 

Once she did, you thought about texting her, your finger hovering over the 'Direct Message' option. But what would you say? What if she didn't respond? Deciding against it, you went to close your phone once again, but stopped once you got yet another notification.

Trey Anderson followed you on Instagram

Trey Anderson added you by search on Snapchat

Trey Anderson followed you on TikTok

One message from unknown number

Panic flooded through you, what was his deal? You quickly went to block him on every platform, hoping that he would finally get the hint. However, throughout the rest of the summer, Trey relentlessly texted you. Directly messaging you through Instagram, TikTok, snapchat, email, and multiple different numbers, and at this point, you were starting to get creeped out.

Love for the Game- Paige BueckersWhere stories live. Discover now