C H A P T E R 16

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It was 3 weeks later, and things were going great. Trey was still texting you, and making you uncomfortable every time he did and every time you saw each other. The thought of telling Paige constantly lingered over your head, but for whatever reason you still decided against it.

It was morning and you were taking a shower when Paige invited herself in the bathroom, "Hey babe," she yawned, obviously just waking up.

"Good morning," you replied, still preoccupied with washing your hair.

"Do you wanna go shopping today?" She asked, as she turned the sink on, and you knew she was brushing her teeth and washing her face, something she did every morning as soon as she woke up before putting her contacts in.

You thought about her proposal for a minute. It was a Saturday, so you didn't have practice until tonight, and nothing to do for the day. You turned the shower off as you replied, "Sure, when?"

"I don't really care; we can go now if you want."

"Ok," you said, getting ready to ask her to hand you a towel, but she already had one in hand when you opened the shower curtain. You smiled, taking it and wrapping it around your bare body, "Thank you."

She tilted her head to one side, smiling at you admiringly, "Your welcome."

You stepped out of the shower, walking over to her and letting her place her hands on your hips. "Go get ready," you instructed lovingly, leaning up on your tippy toes to place a sweet kiss on her nose. She smiled, nodding as you walked out of the bathroom to get dressed.

When Paige was still getting ready and you were done, you made breakfast for the two of you, eating quickly before beginning the drive to the mall. You had established a routine for car rides: Paige always drove, and you always played the music, which she didn't mind because your music tastes were predominantly similar.

Getting to the mall, Paige insisted upon going to Dick's first, which wasn't your first pick, but you were an athlete as well, so it wasn't that big of a deal. Paige ended up getting a new pair of sweats and a couple more hoodies. Next, you lead her to Victoria's Secret, knowing that you needed more bras and underwear.

Paige's face flushed red as you pulled her into the store, "Why are we going in here?"

"I need more bras and stuff," you replied simply.

"Oh," she said looking down, and you swear you saw a smile come across her face. You stopped at a rack, searching for your size and sifting through the options. Letting go of your hand, she pressed her nose into the side of your head, whispering through your hair, "What if someone sees us in here?"

You shrugged, still focused on the underwear you were looking at, "So what? They'll just think we're two friends shopping."

"Yeah, but I don't really need anything here," she replied, her face getting redder by the minute.

"Sure, you do. I mean you are a girl."

She looked at you point blank, flat out saying, "I don't have boobs."

You burst out laughing, and she followed along, "Sorry, that caught me off guard," you giggled. "Don't worry Paige, I like yours, they're cute," you stated and she rolled her eyes. "Anyways, people don't know how big your boobs are anyways," you paused, glancing at her with mock suspicion, "at least I hope so."

She chuckled, "I mean I don't know, I have some pretty crazy fans," she winced.

"Don't worry, me too," you laughed, agreeing with her. "Which ones should I get?" You changed the subject, gesturing to all the rather suggestive underwear you were looking at.

Paige's eyes widened, "Uh, I don't know."

"Come on, I'm getting them for you anyways," you continued, enjoying how flustered she was getting.

Her eyebrows shot up, "Oh," she cleared her throat, looking at all the different colors and shapes, "Those look nice," she pointed to a pair awkwardly.

"Ok," you grabbed them and put them in your bag, getting a few more as well. After moving over to the bra section and asking for Paige's advice again, you went to the fitting room to try some things on, sneaking her in with you.

The two of you laughed as you pulled her in with you, "Wait so you just like- try on bras and stuff?" Paige asked, obviously never having been in Victoria's Secret.

"Yeah," you nodded, "have you ever been in here before?"

Paige sat down on a small ottoman in the corner, "I mean I've been with my mom before, but never for myself, I just get bras from Target." She paused for a moment, as if she was thinking about something, "Actually, I think coming here with my mom may have made me realize that I was gay."

You laughed, "Same, when did you realize you were though?"

"Uhh, like the end of high school, I guess. I had a crush on one of my teammates for a while, and I was convincing myself that I didn't but then we-" she cleared her throat, stopping what she was saying.

"You what?" You raised your eyebrow.

"She was my first time with a girl."


She sat up straighter, panic present in her eyes, "Wait, I wasn't your first time, right?"

"No," you shook your head quickly, because she wasn't.

"Oh, good," Paige said, relieved.

"Yeah, my first time was with a guy actually, in Sophomore year. And my first time with a girl was in the summer of Junior year."

Paige nodded, "My first time was with a guy too."

"You dated guys?"

"Yeah," she nodded, wincing again, "It was bad." You laughed, and she continued, "My first time actually sucked."

"What happened?"

"Well, a lot of guys wanted to date me in high school because I was good at basketball I think- not to be cocky or anything," she added quickly and you nodded, wanting her to continue. "I guess I wanted to seem cool or something, so I invited this dude over when my family wasn't home and we did it," she said hesitantly. "I mean it wasn't even like real sex, he finished and then literally left. He put his clothes on and just walked out without saying anything."

"I'm sorry, Paige," you said genuinely, and an immense amount of guilt washed over you as you realized you did the same exact thing to her.

"It's ok," she shrugged, "It wasn't your fault anyways."

"Yeah, but I kinda did the same thing to you."

She pressed her lips into a thin line, "Oh, right."

You knelt down in between her legs, rubbing her thighs, "I really am sorry for that. I just kind of freaked out because we were roommates and teammates and I had just moved here and just met you and-" she cut you off with a long kiss to your lips.

Pulling away with a soft smile on her face, she spoke gingerly, "It's ok, really." Changing the subject, she gently pushed you away, "Ok, try everything on."

You nodded, standing back up and taking your clothes off, noticing how intently Paige watched you. You put on the first set you picked out, turning around in a circle to show Paige what it looked like.

"Do you like it?"

She scanned you up and down, a small smirk creeping onto her face, "I like it," she said, her voice sounding huskier as she crossed her arms across her chest.

"What are you doing?" You asked, talking about the way she covered her chest with her arms.

"I don't have a bra on," she blushed. You tilted your head questioningly, causing her to remove her arms. You smiled as you realized what happened: her nipples were very clearly hard, and visible through her shirt.

"Aw, see Paigey does have boobs," you teased. She rolled her eyes again, and you continued, "You need to wear bras more often, or else you're gonna have saggy tits." She just smiled in response, shaking her head.

Love for the Game- Paige BueckersWhere stories live. Discover now