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—A Heavy Heart—

Persephone, from the moment Coriolanus was laid on a hospital bed in a thin cotton gown, refused to leave his side. She turned down all food offered to her and kept her hand clasped over his with her thumb running over his knuckles. Something was calling her, yearning for her to stay by his side and never leave.

She believed it to be dangerous love.

The Ignis girl was supposed to be backstage with her tribute getting ready to present him. In fact, she wasn't even supposed to be with Coryo with her job as a Mentor. Persephone had the intention of staying with her tribute and ignoring the boy in the hospital, but Reaper assured her he was fine to go alone.

And due to the bombing, more Mentors than expected were laid to rest in the hospital during the pivotal point of marketing their tributes. She even heard whispers among the nurses of a boy she knew fondly, Gaius Breen, and the loss of his legs.

Despite her lack of a bond with Felix Ravenstill, the sound of the President's son fighting for his life due to the bombing sent an eerie shiver down her spine. She didn't hate the boy, nor liked him further than classmates, but she worried for his safety.

President's son dead at the hands of rebels? Everyone would know his father's wrath.

When Sejanus leaned on the bed and stood next to the sitting girl, her features tightened in anger. "I don't understand why they're still going through with the Games. Felix and Gaius are dying."

"You should be asking yourself why they even have the Games in the first place."

"That shit doesn't matter now, Sejanus." Persephone's gaze hardened as she looked up at the boy. "Nothing can change the past. The Games have happened already. But now, I mean, Academy Rouges, our classmates, have gotten hurt. One murdered all for this to still go on? Reaper has a life, as well as all of the other tributes, that he won't get to come back to. I just-" She choked up.

His hand rubbed her back, noticing the way she held herself back from spilling tears over a radical idea. "Now you see it? What I've been telling everyone since I became Capitol?"

Persephone could only nod and ducked her face in her hands to shield her cries.

Instead of leaving her, Sejanus dropped down on his knees to her eye level and spread his arms out. She recognized his offer and dove into his embrace, sobbing into his shoulder like a baby. Her coughs racked her body, letting tears spill from her eyes without worrying what her father nor Panem would think of her.

For the first time in her life, Persephone slouched in his arms and just let herself grieve over Reaper's, as well as the other tributes', inevitable ends. She mourned enough for their families and loved ones and anyone who cared for them.

𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝘽𝙇𝘼𝘾𝙆 𝙎𝙒𝘼𝙉.   coriolanus snowWhere stories live. Discover now