A King's White Rose

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Chapter 7: Making Love

{Credits to the owner of that masterpiece! Not me hunny I ent that talented. } {That is what Lixue also looks like}


Spicy love making {pfft} & passionate moments



Love. What is it? Why am I asking this? Well..

King Valdemar didn't know that answer and it was driving him crazy. Listen, Lixue has been on his mind for the few days leading to the second month.

His thoughts weren't friendly or nice or whatever else he was supposed to be thinking. He couldn't take the fact that he was thinking those shameless things of the omega when last month he wanted nothing to do with him.

He was the first one to state how much he loathed the idea of another omega in his close courts but here he was, flashes of Lixue passing before his very eyes and making him lose all hope in control.

Was it love? Was it attraction? Or did his body just want to mark this omega and call it a day?

He didn't know. Then last time, the day Lixue left the castle. He remembered his senes going off, and before he knew it he was off his chair searching for the omega he let outside of his castle walls. How he knew he needed help? That too he didn't fucking know!

Then his thoughts would take a turn. Vulgar images of Lixue..Lixue in an unthinkable way. His face flushed red, that vail non-existent to show those perfect kissable lips..his eyes half lided and brows arch helplessly...

He whispered his name, his scent mixed with his own and creating an insufferable odor. By god he was erotic and small in his large hands. He could break if he mated with him...

Valdemar's eyes peeled open and he was met with darkness and the cold kiss of reality. Lixue would never even let him touch him so why get his hopes up for nothing in return...

I need water or something..

Valdemar rustled in his thick covers and lifted off his plethora of pillows. He gets up and saw his unfortunate lack of room in his trousers. Valdemar sighs in frustration and just takes a second before he even gets out of bed.

That was going to take some time to calm down anyways..


Valdemar got himself a large cup of water in the enlarged kitchen. He chugged it down like it was nothing and went to fill another cup for good measure.

Maybe he should just hide in his chambers for a while or go out on a midnight flight to clear his thoughts, that can fix his problem.

Yes..yes good idea. (Pfft ok Sherlock 🤓.)

Valdemar kept his mind busy with other things as he stood there and drank in peace and silence. No thoughts of Lixue, not wanting to fuck him on the spot thoughts either or how much his heart yearns for his touch and soft spoke words.


Ah fuck.

Valdemar slowly turns his eyes to Lixue. The omega seeming out of bed at the dead of night, in one of his night gown or garments. Either way he was here at the worst time. Valdemar just swallowed a large gulp of the drink carefully before he opened his mouth.

"Why are you awake at this hour?"

"I will like to ask you the same.." Lixue replied. Valdemar humed but kept his eyes on Lixue and his..vailed covered mouth. "Do you sleep with that on?"

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