004- Mutual friend

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"It's already another weekend, could you believe that?" Andrew asked no one in particular, drawing my attention. My gaze shifted from my phone to him. He was beaming happily as he took a sip of his coffee.

"Yeah," Julia said nonchalantly, typing away on her phone. "So what's the plan?" She held her phone down and turned to Andrew, who shrugged and glanced at me.

"No plans here," I said and dropped my gaze back to my phone at the sound of a text popping into it.

Andrew and Julia were my best friends and even though I loved to hang out with them, I had been lacking the will to do that of late. I drifted into my little world but not long after, Andrew's voice dragged me back to what was happening in front of me.

"We all know it's one of the best nightclubs around here, Julia." Andrew slammed his coffee cup on the table, turning in his seat to Julia, who was seated next to him.

What were they fighting about now?

I glanced between Andrew and Julia, who were seated at the other side of the four-seater table. And right now, they had managed to draw the attention of a few people at the coffee shop, with their petty argument.

"No, it's not!" Julia snapped in a slightly raised tone."You take us there every weekend just to ogle on that poor bartender." She scoffed. "You don't even have the fucking balls to ask him out on a date." She finished and I couldn't help the snort that escaped me.

Andrew tugged on his tie, slightly disarranging the collar of his white Oxford shirt. "Fuck you, Nick." He spat and I raised my hand in surrender.

"I wasn't the one that said something," I smirked.

"You too Julia, Fuck you."

"Oh, fuck you too, Drew," Julia smirked, flipping her curly hair which length was down to her shoulder, resting on her sun dress. And that exposed the hickey on her pale skin.

My gaze dropped back to my phone because neither did I want to talk about a boy, whom Andrew had a crush on nor would I ask Julia about the hickey. Julia was not a relationship person, so it only meant one thing, there was a new sneaky link we did not know about.

Andrew and I had been friends since we were babies, maybe it had something to do with our parents being partners at the firm. We were raised being told at every chance they got that we were the future of the firm, and it had been a year since we started working together. Julia was the owner of our favourite coffee shop, a place we spend most of our time together.

Most friends fall out after they grow into adults but not us three. We belonged in the same social circle, lived in the same city and not forgetting the effort we all put into this friendship to keep it moving, the same effort I had been lacking lately. It was starting to feel like a lot was weighing on me, a lot about work, where my father was to nitpick everything I did and drag on every little mistake I made. There was a heavy hole in my heart, a hole that developed after my mother died of cancer, a week after I was called to the New York bar. And then, there was this shitty thing I had going on with Ms...

"Nicklaus!" Drew yelled and I snapped my face up to him. "Where the fuck is your mind at?"

"In your ass," I spat, raising the rim of the coffee cup to my mouth.

"Eww," Julia gagged.

"Fuck off Nick, we are hanging out at the club tomorrow and we want to know if you are joining us this time."

Here we go again.

"I'm sorry Drew but-" Before I could finish, he rose to his feet, wide-eyed.

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