017- Kiss-blocking

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“Hey,” I smiled as I pushed my body into Nicklaus’ car, and sat on the passenger seat.

“Hey,” he greeted back. “I was thinking you would show up with a camera or something.” He ignited his car engine and a text from Maya beeped into my phone, grabbing my attention.

Nicklaus had texted me after his workout session just like he said. Well, he convinced me to hang out with him, and since I was to meet a fellow YouTuber who wanted us to meet and talk about collaborating. I texted him to come and pick me up at the restaurant after we were done.

“It was just a brunch,” I shrugged. “So where is this place we are going to?” I asked, texting back Maya.

He smiled, “You will find out when we get there.” He drove onto the road. “This is just for fun and recharge,” he said and I hummed, hitting the send button on my phone.

Silence fell in the car, and I was quickly getting bored of it, so I decided to admire the interior of his car. I had been in Nicklaus’s car a couple of times but for the first time, I noticed how black and brown it was in here. My gaze shifted to Nicklaus, who had on a white T-shirt, blue jeans and tennis shoes. I was clad in a loose-fit black jumpsuit. And Just like many other times, I internally debated casual and corporate Nicklaus, which was hotter.

I knew I was making it obvious again when Nicklaus’s throat clearing filled the air. I quickly shifted my gaze back to the road, taking in the city view. The silence grew heavier, and I was getting tired of it. So I spoke up, saying the first thing that came to my mind.

“How much is your car?” I asked as he drove to a stop at the red light.

Nicklaus glanced in my direction, “And that is the first thing you could come up with?” He was smiling while he said that and I rolled my eyes at him, taking my gaze back on the road.

“Why are you good at this?” I asked, and he knew what I meant because his smile turned mischievous. I slightly angled my body to him, “Are you a mind reader or do they teach you guys that in law school?” I asked, and he let out a soft chuckle. “You know my mother wanted me to be a lawyer,” I said, and this time it was my turn to chuckle, only that it wasn’t just a chuckle.

It was a cackle, and that was because the memory of when my mom wanted me to consider going to law school, only because I was good at arguing with people came to my mind.

“You would have made a great lawyer.” I heard Nicklaus say, and I glanced at him, chuckling again.

“Wait, do you also think just because I love to argue, and don’t know how to let things go, I would be a great lawyer?” I asked, in between chuckles.

“You are smart, Muna,” Nicklaus said with his face morphing into a serious expression, and I stopped laughing, and focused my attention ahead of us. “Your confidence is charming and also, you have—”

I cringed, “Okay, I think we should stop now.” I bit the inside of my mouth, tilting my neck and itching the tip of my ear.

The corner of his lips pointed up in a small smile, and as the red light cleared, he continued to steer his car on the road. “You also don’t like when nice things are said about–.”

I cringed more. “Can we stop now, it makes me uncomfortable.” I gave Nicklaus a tight lip smile, hoping for him to stop. Of course, I didn’t like being praised, he didn’t need to spell it out.

“Okay,” he nodded and as the atmosphere grew silent again, I went back to admiring his car.

And after a few seconds of silence, I said. “You know I would have listened to my mother, it seems like lawyers make good money anyway.”

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