[5]: Okay

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[A/N: Friendly reminder that this story was edited and character names have changed! If you are lost you may want to go back a chapter to refresh :)

Kolya is now Kieran
Noah is now Niall
Krish is now Cris
Scorpio is now Sergio]

Kieran POV:

When Cris walked into school without Niall yet again, it was a little strange. Niall had been absent for almost 3 weeks now, but we knew why now. Except the way Cris was walking was different. He held himself taller, more composed, but through the cracks in his composure I noticed he was about to break. I was all too familiar with that.

Cris had been telling us how he was when we weren't able to visit. No matter how upset he was. After a week or so we became friends with Cris and Niall, who had been awake sometimes and asleep others. Whenever we'd go to see him, he'd be pale and half dead. The last time we saw him was almost a week ago. Cris refused to tell us what happened because Niall wanted to tell us directly, but he was really upset about it, so he never got to it.

"Hey Cris," Alex greeted.

He smiled tersely, but relaxed a little when Isaiah appeared by my side. Alex clapped Isaiah's shoulder and walked past us, Kyler walking with him, looking slightly tense.

"Hi guys," he replied. "Uhm, so, bad news. Niall fell into a kind-of coma last week and he hasn't woken up. His heart rate keeps jumping and slowing constantly, but there was one time it completely stopped for almost a minute," he choked on his words but forced himself to continue. "T-The doctors don't know what's going on, but all we know is that's the only thing telling us he's alive."

Isaiah had stiffened and I'm sure I did too. From behind us, Alex looked over and only heard the last sentence; he widened his eyes significantly.

Cris breathed deep. "The doctor said he'd be alright as long as he has his IV's and his oxygen mask on, but they discovered he's allergic to the medicine they gave him when he fell into it, hence the reason he's been pale and tired. They stopped his IV's and tried giving him shots manually, but in his sleep he'd jump so harshly and heart rate pick up so fast, the doctor accidentally put a gash in his arm. They finally gave that up and now, if he doesn't wake up or if his heart rate slows anymore, h-he might...n-not wake u-p," he choked and started trembling, though I could see he was refusing to cry.

"He'll be okay, Cris. He's a tough one," Isaiah said softly.

"I know he is..." Cris took in a shaky breath. "I-I'm scared."

"We know, Cris," My best friend said. Cris broke into tears and hugged Isaiah and then the severity of the situation really weighed on me. Niall...might never wake up...oh god. If...if he was asleep for too long they might claim a persistent vegetative state. He might even die.

"I-I don't want to lose him!" I heard him whisper. "H-he's been my only friend before you guys... But if it's wasn't for him, I'd never had met you all."

I watched him cry. Isaiah glanced at me uncomfortably, and hugged him back. Hearing this, you could only imagine what scenarios were going through my mind; but Cris was closer to him, and I couldn't imagine what was going through his mind.

I realized Alex Coby and Kyler had already left for class, and we were the only ones in the hallway.

"All of you should be in class," a teacher chastised, glaring at us strictly. I glared at them, but Cris beat me to it.

"My best friend is in a coma at the hospital and these two are my only other friends," he suddenly snapped furiously with angry and upset tears rolling down his face. Zay and I stared at him wide eyed, and saw the teacher jump, surprised that the sweet little Cris was snapping at him. "Give me a detention, I don't care, but if he dies and I'm not there, there will be problems."

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