[10]: Crisy!

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[A/N: Friendly reminder that this story was edited and character names have changed! If you are lost you may want to go back a chapter to refresh :)

Kolya is now Kieran
Noah is now Niall
Krish is now Cris
Scorpio is now Sergio]

Niall POV:

About a month passed after the "big sleepover" and it was kind of crazy how close of friends Isaiah, Kieran, Cris and I had become. I considered them my best friends, which sounded sort of strange on my tongue. It'd been so long.

I used to have two best friends when I lived in London for those two years, Mika and Natalie. But when my mom got transferred back to New York again, we became so distant. We hardly ever spoke anymore. That was in 6th grade, I just never made another friend like them.

I missed them so much, they were my only friends I'd ever had and we had been so close, we practically lived at each others' houses. Now we were basically strangers.

I slammed my locker closed, annoyed. At the same time, thanking the lord that it was the last week of school before Spring break. The bell rang and I shouldered my bag.

"Hey Niall," Kieran said, leaning against the lockers next to me.

"Hey, Kieran. What's up?"

"The guys, Cris and I are going to the beach this weekend, Coby's parents own a beach house down in Jersey. Want to tag along?"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "I wish I could, but Bailey and Sergio would be home alone. Mom's got another business trip."

"Can't they come with?" Cris asked from behind me. "The other guys haven't met them yet, and I'm sure they'll be perfectly safe with all of us around and the life guards."

I thought about it. "I guess. I'll ask Mom." We started walking towards the entrance as I pulled out my phone, texting my mom about it.

I instantly got an 'As long as my three babies are safe, you all can go.'

I rolled my eyes and sent a quick 'I'm not a baby, but thanks Mom.'

'Yes you are, honey. Love you!' I gave my phone 'seriously?' look and shoved it in my pocket.

"What was that for?" Cris asked.

I shook my head, heading to my car. Cris was coming to my house today for some reason he wouldn't tell me about. We waved to Kieran and I pulled out, heading to my house.

We rode in silence all the way to my house. When we got inside, it was unnaturally quiet. I forgot the twins had their first day of school today, they could've had it on Monday, but the kindergarten had the first day on a Thursday. I had to pick them up in ten minutes.

I chucked my bag to the side, hearing it crash against the wall. Cris dropped his and took off his shoes, spreading along the couch.

"So why did you want to come over, anyway?" I asked.

He sighed. "To actually be able to relax and see Bails and Ser. You know, my parents and their dumb ass obsession with being high class and having a good social status. It's all stupid. They're constantly bugging me, 'sit up straight' and 'remember your manners' and 'don't do anything stupid'!" that last one got him a raised eyebrow. "Whatever, I came here to relax and hang out for a while."

"Alright. I've got to get the twins from kindergarten though, so you can either stay here and hang or come with," I replied.

"I'll hang here," he decided, closing his eyes and relaxing his tense shoulders.


"Niall!" Bailey shouted, frantically waving me over. "Come!"

I sighed, climbing out of the car. Her kindergarten teacher was waiting alongside her and Sergio.

"Come on, Bails. We can't stay long. Crisy is at home waiting for us," I told her.

Bailey pointed at her teacher, Mrs. Annie.

"I'm sorry, I'm not allowed to let them leave until I have parent confirmation that you are here to pick them up," she explained.

I raised an eyebrow. "Uh, they're human too. If they didn't know the person coming to pick them up, they wouldn't leave with them. I'm their older brother, I think my mom confirmed I'm allowed to pick them up."

Mrs. Annie led us inside the building, sitting at her desk with her laptop. She started typing.

"How old are you?"

"Turning 19 on Sunday," I replied. "What does that have to do with anything?"

She ignored me. "What's your full name?" Ugh, not this.

"Niall Kinney."

"Mother's name?"

"Melanie Kinney."

"Hmm," she browsed through something. "Ah, there you are. I apologize, your mother didn't tell me their emergency contact is their brother."

"No problem," I replied, letting Lee use my arms and legs as monkey bars. She sat on my shoulders. I still couldn't believe she and Sergio were already six.

"Well, are you going to be a regular pick up?"

"Most likely. Our mother is a single mom and she works from six in the morning to nine at night."

"Well," she smiled, offering her hand to shake. "It's nice to meet you."

"You too," I replied, shaking her outstretched hand. "Come on Bails, Ser; Crisy's waiting for us at home."

"Yay!" Lee cheered, running to my car. "Crisy! Crisy! Crisy!"

"Crisy!" Sergio cried, chasing after her. I chuckled, following them. I was surprised to see them already in their car seats and buckled.

"Maybe Crisy should come home with me everyday if it's that easy to get you guys in the car," I muttered.

The second I turned the car off, the twins were running as fast as they could to get to the front door. I blinked, shocked.

When I walked in, I came in just in time to see them jumping on top of Cris.

I plucked Bailey off of him, putting her on my hip. "Sergio, Bailey, on Saturday and Sunday do you want to go to the beach with Zay, Crisy, Kieran and our other friends?"

"Yay!" Bailey cheered. "Beach, beach, beach!"

"Beach! I wanna go!"

"Well, Cris, there's our answer," I was surprised when Sergio climbed into my arms with Bailey. Sergio was never a touchy-feely kid. You could never hold him and hug him without him pushing you away or whining to let him go. I was thoroughly surprised when he let me hug him and his sister wrapped an arm around her twin.

"Aw, I'm sure Melanie wants to see this," Cris said, holding up his phone. I scowled at the picture of us

I was obviously hugging the twins, sitting on the love seat with both Sergio and Bailey hugging my chest with their little arms. It was incredibly adorable, seeing the twins' eyes shining.

I rolled my eyes at Cris's face and laughed. "Whatever, Crisy."

"Hey! Only Bails and Ser can call my that!" he pouted.

"Unless you like Cutie better, you better fucking deal with it," I laughed.

"Don't cuss in front of the children!" He covered Sergio's ears. "It's un-lady-like!"

"You want to know what else is un-lady-like?" I asked, leaning forward. "Taking pictures of people without permission."

"Shut the hell up, will you?" he grunted.

"You cursed!" I pointed at him and laughed. I ran away laughing while he chased after me, whining 'that doesn't count!' Bailey giggled and ran in front of us.

I laughed. Honestly, I wouldn't be mad about living like that forever.

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