Chapter 16 - Guilt

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"She was intentionally pushed?" I was shocked.

"Yes. Will was.."

"Will pushed her?"

"Yes" she said. "Everyone thinks that Will pushed her even Will thought that it was his fault. But he did not, he never would."

"But then who did, Kasie?"

"I don't know. Emily said someone was stalking her-"

"Who's Emily?"

"Emily was our babysitter."

"Where's she now?"

"She's dead too."

"In.. in this house?" I didn't wanted to torture this little girl to bring up those memories and tell me the truth but I have to know everything about what happened.


"Was it an accident?"

"No, someone killed her."

She said with the same fear I saw in Will's eyes.

"Kasie, how old was Emily?"

"She was 17."

I was freaking out inside. Will was probably thinking that I'll end up like Emily.

"And how did Kathy died?" I remembered I interrupted her before.

"We were playing with Emily in your house. When Will came to call us for dinner he saw someone standing behind Kathy on the staircase, a guy. Before Will could do something, that guy pushed her down the stairs..." A tear drop prickled from Kasie's eye. "She hit her head badly.. She died. Emily was with me in a room upstairs. She told Will she didn't see anyone. But I think I saw him. One week later, Will was.."

"No one believed him or you, right?"


"Do you.. remember that guy?"

"I think.. I think he was a ghost." she was very nervous when she said that "Then Emily told us that she saw many.. ghosts in your house and one of them wanted Emily."

"Wanted Emily?"

"Emily had weird nightmares, she was very afraid."

Oh no!

"Someone stalked wherever she went, she used to feel someone's presence all the time. Whenever she slept in your house.."

"She lived in my house?"

"Yes, sometimes when she was scared she would come to sleep with us."

"Did she tell you anything about that stalker?"

"No, but she told Kathy. And.. Kathy told me, that guy was-"

"Kasie!" a woman in early forties called out. She walked towards us and stood beside me.

"Oh, you must be Juliet's daughter!" she asked me, "What's your name?"

I looked at Kasie who whispered to me 'Mom'.

"Hello, Mrs. Monroe" I hid my thoughts and worries behind a fake smile and greeted her. "I'm Claire."

"You might be of Will's age! You met him? And Emily? She'll love to have you in the neighborhood." I literally stared her with my jaw wide open. "I see you've already met Kasie and Kathy."

I stared her still not knowing what was happening. I looked at Kasie who was now looking at the ground. I didn't know what to say.

"Mrs Monroe.."

"Mom, why don't you bring your special cookies for us?" Kasie suggested.

"Yes, you'll love it Claire!" she said and turned back towards her house before saying "I'll be right back."

I was dazed. I was astounded. I was completely shocked to what actually happened. All what Kasie said, all what Will said and their mother, she said as if-

"She thinks they're still alive." Kasie said quietly. "When she heard about Kathy's death, she lost it. My mother.. she lost her sanity." Kasie began crying.

I embraced her in my arms and shushed her.

"You know, right?" she asked after she stopped crying. She wiped her tear and asked, "You know that you're next, right?"

I nodded. It was now clear. All I had to do was convince my family. If someone helps me convince my family, they'll understand-

Damn, that's it!

I need to find Will and tell him to help me convince my family. And then we'll get out of here and never return back. It was easy.

"You should leave this house, otherwise no one could save you, Claire. And whosoever tried to save you will die first." she said wiping her eyes with her tee sleeves.

"I will." I looked towards the lake and said.

Then, I saw him.

I saw Will down on the lake shores. I kissed Kasie's forehead and ran towards the lake. He was strolling along the shores like a ghost. He looked deep in thoughts. He didn't acknowledged me at first.

"Will!" he stopped in the place and turned around to look at me. "Will, I need your help, you -"

"Claire?" I knew he'd help me convince but he looked at me in shock. He thought I went away.

"Will, my family.."

He reached just inches far away from me in fast movement and he tightly caught both of my arms with his fingers.

"Ouch.." it hurt like hell. His fingers felt like it will dug deep in my skin.

"Are you insane?" he shouted with an unbelievable rage.

"Do you think this is some kind of joke?" he continued, "In what language do you understand, 'leave this house'? Are you crazy?"

"Leave me.." I was fumbling to get out of his hold.

He tilted his head and looked in my eyes with anger and hatred, "You are one of those bitc*es who think they could fight the world, aren't you?" I was taken aback with his tone. It had so much harshness in it. "Sorry to break this to you, but you are going to die." he sneered. "You will die a pitiful death and all your stupid intelligence and pride will end up with you in your fv**ing grave."

I felt that it wasn't Will but his deep brown eyes had the same fear I met him last time. But he was indeed a mongrel.

"I came to tell mom and Jake-"

"I thought you were intelligent than this." he jerked my arm and turned around, "Why don't you understand? YOU! 'You' are in danger?"

He shoved his fingers in his hairs and pulled them. I looked at both of my arms which had red bruise on it. And, I felt helpless. Oh god, what will I do! I burst into tears. My eyes blurred up due to the flood of tears. I was so frustrated. I had no idea what should I do. Suddenly I felt a pair of arms around me. My face was buried in a hard chest. It was Will.

"Claire, I can't see one more person dying." he said into my hairs. "I can't see you dying."

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