66. Starting Anew

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(Dedicated to my mom ❤)

It all happened in a haze. Vincent noticed the situation- bleeding Claire, chocking Ander, his grandmother with a wicked smile, and acted on his instincts. While he tried prying off his grandmother's hands from Claire, Ander snapped back only to realize how stupid he was!

His legs were free, he could kick Jake and fight back. He was so blinded by the fear that he almost lost himself and his chance to save everyone.

"Ander," George groaned, "Do it!" Ander met Jake's eyes, they were not evil but sad. It was Jake. "Go! Quickly!"

He was alive under George's infiltration - living, breathing, fighting.

A new surge of courage took over him as he kicked his knees to Jake's thighs and dig his nails into Jake's hands. He screamed and fell back, his head hitting the ground with a cruel thud.

He watched, standing over him when he remembered about the protection amulet. He took out one from the bunch and shoved it in Jake's fist. "Please, hold onto it."

Dora was on her knees, away from Claire and panting hard.

If Jake was alive, was Dora too? He thought. Claire was right. He rushed to Vincent and gave him the remaining key amulet, thanking him with his eyes.

Claire was on the floor, barely breathing, barely able to sit. Her top was dripping with her own blood, her eyes and nose red with all the tears and screams. He sat down beside her, taking her face in his hands, a tear rolling down his cheek.

"I won't let her win," he whispered, "I won't."

She threw her arms around him and sobbed. There was so much a person could endure but sometimes, sometimes they hit the pavement. They hit their limit.

He rubbed her back and her hairs, kissing her head again and again. A second chance. He was given another chance to make it right. If he doesn't, everything, every sacrifice, every moment of their suffering would be in vain.

"Vincent," he glanced at him, "Wake up the priest. We have to finish-" Vincent was on his feet before he could complete and rushed towards Sebastian.

He took Claire's face between his palms again, looked her in the eye, "Stay back."

Ander then stood up and walked towards Dora. She wasn't gone yet. She was there. Somewhere.

Dora's age and body conditions were proving a hindrance to Gabriela's plan. Dora wasn't a true witch but a mundane human. Her body couldn't keep up. Gabriela was helpless.

Ander sat near Dora and searched for her. Searched if she was in there, waiting for him.

"Ander, we don't have much time," Vincent said from behind.

"He is right." Sebastian sat up, rubbing his head where he was hit. Ander smiled, happy that Sebastian was fine and they could continue the exorcism.

George's body was trapped in Jake's and with the protection amulet, Jake won't be hurt. George won't we able to damage him.

But on another hand, Dora...

He didn't have any more amulets! He had one that was for himself-

He looked at it and smiled to himself. "Sebastian, please complete the procedure. Let's end it."

"Ander but -"

"Everything will be fine."

Vincent dragged Jake's unconscious body in the middle and tried to wake Aria and Rick.

Graveyard, BackyardTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon